(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 14:40

Yesterday the boys played Towson, jv at home and varsity at towson, i'm glad to say that both of my beautiful bball teams dominated yesterday :) even jrod impressed me.

JV 8-3
Varsity 6-7

hell yes. So Kirstin stayed after with me, Collin stole the money out of someones candy box and split it wit me and Kristin so we wouldnt sntich on him.. lol i didnt ask for any of it but when he gave it to me i took it. I had nothing to do with that. ya kno, for the ppl dat like to snitch.

Damien got to start last night and he was so excited i had to laugh. we kept screamin out BIG DAMIEN haha. he only made 2 points tho.. BUM!! me n kirstin stayed after last night to talk to him after the game.. i wanted to see what was up with that offer.. but of course, nothing. oh well.

Today me n autumn walked half way to the tech wing and i saw brian thru the window, so we turned around and walked back cuz he was already in his class, he lookded directly at us and i felt so dumb. Yesterday we passed him 4 times in the tech wing hall and he pushed autumns arm and didnt say shit to me.. ahh. i dont like the way shes startin to act towards the attention that she gets from brian.. its like she tries to rubn that shit in my face. hmm..

anyways, yesterday he kept starrin at me, on the way to lunch he kept turnin back n lookin at me n im like wdf is he lookin at. crazy shit. today he didnt really pay me any mind although i did see Meeks talkin to him at lunch, he told me he'd talk to him for me. i hope it went well.

Anyways, McCracken gave Hannah, Rachel and Kristin Wind Ensemble music.. WHAT IN THE FUCK. i was kinda mad, because nobody knows how bad i want to be in Wind Ensemble.. that shit pisses me off, if she would have needed 4 clarinets in stead of 3 i'd be playing with them. Kristin is only 1 seat ahead of me. damnit. oh yea, and Wind Ensemble is playing Hands Across the Sea lol, Concert Band played that last year. i wish CB could play the music we had last year, its better than the shit we're playin now... with the exception of Phantom Of The Oprah, i was beastin on that one part today lol kinda proud of myself. =] i'm gettin better.. and thats good :) too bad my grades dont show for it, people who play alot worse than me have higher grades than me, and that i dont understand.

oh well.

Sometimes i think mccracken is alot harder on me for the simple fact that she doesnt like me and that im a sophomore. but it does kinda suck to be a sophomore still in concert band, with 3 people ahead of me in my section.. and all three being FRESHMEN. damn. now when i think about it i should have just tested off the two damn pregame songs that i needed to be a 1st chair clarinet... i still dont understand how kristin got a higher seat than me and she didnt even test off Love Medley and i tested off ALL of the feildshow music. oh well. i'll never understand the way mccracken is, she always seems to fuck up my grades on the grade sheets n shit.. maybe i got screwed out of bein a higher seat. who knows.

all this shit pisses me off. foreal.

but fuck it.
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