Permissions: intuition

Oct 07, 2011 17:19

The short of it: What might you want Claire to perceive intuitively about your character?If there’s something incredibly important to your character, something that drives them, motivates them beyond anything else, Claire might pick up on it if a relevant situation or conversation comes up. Of course for some characters this driving force doesn’t ( Read more... )

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boundbytreason October 11 2011, 21:43:06 UTC
Character name: Caster
Character journal: boundbytreason
Anything you'd like Claire to pick up on and/or limits you'd like to impose: Um. Let's see... /copies and pastes from own permissions post

♠ Caster's confidence and refined movement simply scream proper breeding and there is -- just maybe -- pride or royalty in the way that she carries herself without ever slouching or slumping her shoulders. Her hands are also delicate, clearly unaccustomed to hard work and carrying heavy things. Not only so, but unless she has a reason for it, she'll walk right down the street without glancing at the people that she passes. It's another dead giveaway of the same, unworldly feel that a princess gives, especially one who's never had a need to observe her subjects.

♠ Caster's clothing choices, while still in keeping with her dignified conduct, are the faintest bit old-fashioned. She's generally a self-respecting woman, who doesn't like to show off more skin than necessary, and she wears purple lipstick to match with her wardrobe in indication of having an eye for color coordination.

♠ If you can catch her without the hood of her robe, it's easy to see that she's a little more emotional than she appears. Look into her eyes when you insult her, and you'll see them flash even though there's already a calm retort on her tongue.

♠ Whenever Caster sees a cute, innocent girl, her eyes soften, and there is, perhaps, an added touch of distance. Conversely, when there's an arrogant man in the room, her eyes harden, and her smiles have a harder time reaching her eyes. Feel free to draw any conclusions you like.

♠ Why does she wear that robe? Maybe she wears it to be seen as an equal, regardless of her gender. However, she's proud of being a female, and she'll expose it through her penchant for feminine clothing and wearing lipstick. Combine it with the fact that she conceals her curves and occasionally hides half of her face, and you'll see that she wants any man to know she, a woman, can most certainly match your wits -- perhaps even best it.

♠ Caster's steps are just a little bit heavier. It isn't the least bit noticeable nor detracting from her gentility, but if you notice tiny details like the impact and weight of her steps against the floor, you'll see the slightest difference from a regular female's walk. Done subconsciously every time you see her, it would seems like there's always a guilt or a burden weighing down on her mind.

♠ As the days pass, people normally gain or lose a little in weight, whether it's the fraction of a pound or more. Now, Caster? She's always exactly 51 kg. Her measurements don't change with time, no matter how much or how little she eats or sweats. The same applies to her height.

♠ Caster tends to have a nostalgic look in her eyes and voice whenever she sees the ocean or a ship. She has a similar reaction when it comes to rain as well, but it's different -- bittersweet mixed with pain.

♠ A sweet, floral scent faintly wafts from her, but is it really just her shampoo? It seems more like she works with several kinds of herbs instead.

♠ There's always a subtle trace of melancholy in her demeanor. It's so slight that most would miss it. However, whether it be in her voice or face, it's there.

In summary, Caster's motivated by pride and dignity and reason. Yet, she's also a woman strongly driven by her emotions. The constant guilt hints at carrying a secret that she rather keeps hidden, but as for what that is? If Claire can figure it out from what I've written above, then go for it! Just let me know if you're planning on using it for anything? ♥


I haven't actually mentioned the very main driving force for Caster simply because she gives no sign of it. However! If he can catch her unguarded, there will be times when she gazes out the window or lets out a little sigh -- and he can notice that she's just like a woman in love, waiting for her man who's miles away.


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