Information: Rail Tracer Ability

Oct 05, 2011 20:02

Fig. 1. Boo.

☞APPEARANCE: See the gif at the top of this post for reference. Although Rail Tracer has the rough form of a man it is blood red in colour and its shape is changeable, looking rather like oil on water, or smoke, or, to use a less cool analogy, a sped-up lava lamp.

☞POWER: Easiest to think of as one-way phasing. Punches, kicks, holds and so on will pass through him, but can still connect the other way around. Things like fire could still affect him as I'm keeping in the glowy eyes as weak points like some sort of Zelda boss battle. If you're not sure if your character's attack would affect him hit me up!
At first I'd like it to be just a visual thing, the temporary invulnerability will develop later.

☞LIMITS: Before he learns to control it at will it'll be only be evoked under pressure, and around sentient opponents. It couldn't be used in a one-on-one with a darkness beastie.
Time-limited. In my app I said "two turns", which in hindsight was incredibly unhelpful as that could mean ten seconds or ten minutes, depending. Just assume it will be closer to the former to start out.
After the time limit he'll return to normal, but will be feeling drained. He'll still be more dangerous than most humans, and his ridiculous amounts of willpower will still be there, but he won't be at full capacity.
Eye vulnerability. If you need a way out of a fight go for the glowing eyes! We'll probably have to arrange something because it's still Claire and he'll still dodge like a fish in a barrel, if the fish had a jetpack and the barrel was the size of the moon.

Fig. 2. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

☞AIMS: The main inspiration for this DP was to give Claire something he could work at developing, to help protect his ego against the sudden onslaught of superhumans. Although in his old world he's used to being the strongest person around he doesn't take it for granted. Having potential to develop as a superhuman will help him deal with their existence! His reaction will probably be to train with the power, although development from just the appearance to the phasing aspect will be slow. He can also work on building up how long he can last, making it something he can do at will instead of only being triggered by adrenaline.

They say mankind has no limit, after all.
I need more.
I need to experience more, to try harder, to improve myself...
Everything, to reach for the skies.
And if it turns out that I'm at the pinnacle of humanity...
Then I can still reach higher, and higher still.
There's no such thing as a limit on being the best. You can always go for more.
That's what it means to be human.

That's what it means to be me.

ooc, character info, ability

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