Jul 17, 2011 09:42
Backtagging: Absolutely.
Threadhopping: Sure!
Fourthwalling: I can’t imagine this would come up but it’s no problem if it does.
Offensive subjects: Get in touch if you're not sure.
Hugging/Kissing/Flirting: Friendly and romantic physical affection are fine (although he thinks he’s spoken for so the latter won't lead anywhere.)
Fighting/Injuring/Killing: Please read the note on negative CR below and contact me first! I’d love to get him into fights but I have to make sure he can get out with his character-defining ego intact. Thanks for your patience!
Telepathy/Intuitively knowing about this character: Go for it, at least if your character will be keeping it between the two of them. If they’d tell other characters about touchy things like his assassin job then check with me first, please.
A note about negative CR:
Feel free to have your character hate Claire. :D He is kind of obnoxious on a superficial level, and beyond that his morality may well seem abhorrent to good guys and hypocritical to bad ones. If it’s serious enough to lead to fights I’d really appreciate a message just so I know:
a) If you’re okay with him basically dodging everything if your character is slower/weaker than him. I'm thinking this might be quite annoying for some people. orz If your character can take him by surprise or something it's another matter, I'm always open to talking about this!
b) If your character is harderbetterfasterstronger than him I might need a convo with you to go over how shit is going to go down. In canon he’s supposed to be “untouchable” and various elements of his personality are bound up in this - there is no canon to show how he’d cope with being defeated. As Siren’s Port has any number of characters who can do just that I don’t want to turn down plots where he could lose a fight. There are comments in canon which suggest how he would deal with it and I'm not too worried about that. It’s a bit of a complicated issue so I’d be really grateful if you could run your ideas by me first but I will be heavily biased towards accepting all fights!
Similarly I will hit people up before starting serious negative CR against their character because if Claire dislikes someone he normally deals with it by removing parts of them. Get in touch if you actually want him to have some sort of grudge against your character for plot or whatever. He generally doesn’t dislike anyone unless he witnesses them doing something horrendous but I’d kind of like him to have a vendetta against someone in future, if anyone would be interested in a plot like that. ♥