... is like using actual wads of currency to fuel a steam engine train.
I guess
The Train will probably move a few metres after you shove in a couple of million dollars. But where's the cash flow? And where are the profits?
Did someone say 'ad-funded model'?
Ad-based programs are all fine, but one needs to remember that any business is as smart/profitable as the dumbest player in the market. In the absence of a significant differentiator,
Pando is just as profitable (or unprofitable, as in this case) as every other Torrent player. Pando seems to have no differentiator today.
Torrent is no doubt a great technology, but it is a zero-dollar business. Torrent is in the same league as other web technologies like social networks and blogging sites. The 'cash' flows in these businesses are mostly social - similar to a barter system.
"I link to your blog, you link to mine."
"I add you to my friends list, you add me to yours."
"I rate you 90% cool, and I expect that you return the favor."
"I share some files, and you share some too."
Currency exchange takes the form of notional goodwill. And you can't make money off that.
After all the negative thoughts, let me tell you there is actually a way to make money from Torrent, but it is pretty long-drawn.
But well, the VCs 0wN their own money. Who am I to complain?