May 20, 2009 17:25
Rain for 3 consecutive days? Go mama nature.
I'd enjoy the rain even more if a few things were tweaked a little bit. For example, I got sick with flu a couple of days ago. I'm starting to think that it was from last week when I got caught running in the rain at Universal after I took my audiogram test. I'm speculating that was it. And so I've been laying in bed for the most part and only been taking Vitamin C, Nyquil, and Sudafed. No other medicines because I have no health insurance and therefore choose not to pay a hefty bill for a checkup and drug prescriptions.
But not only am I sick, I'm having to actually get up at a decent time in the morning. 8 o'clock to be precise. And trust me, that's a little too decent for me. It's all because I'm taking an Earth Science class at PCC. Now, I know that the class and schedule were my idea, but it was not my idea for the rain to drizzle in the morning and beg me to stay in bed because there was no real reason at all to go outside on a morning like this, especially when you're sick and congested. Taking the class itself is no big whoop and its actually been a little entertaining to go and learn something new and to study. I think what I like most about the class is the fact that I haven't had to write a paper yet and won't have to write one. I hate writing papers. I know I can't avoid it, but for now it's a nice thought to know I ain't gotta write NUTHIN!
Speaking of nothing, I kinda feel like that's what my living room has been up to for the past week or so. Mainly because my 360 has Red Ringed and I had to have it sent in to be repaired. So pretty much I've been hanging out in my bedroom because I have netflix on the laptop. Also, if you're wondering, no I do not have tv. I do have A tv, but not cable or satellite or anything of that nature. Cause I don't wanna pay for it. Cause I watch only about 5 or 6 channels out of a googolplex of channels. (That's a lot of channels)
What else.......hmmm.....
Oh! So I saw the Star Trek movie...
...three times. It's a really well made movie. I've enjoyed it all three times. I highly recommend it.
Nah, nothing I can think of right now.