Jun 21, 2003 22:41
I don't deal well with hot weather. Thankfully, it's evening now and cooled off sufficiently.
If it is hot enough to sweat whilst sitting indoors and not exerting myself, it's TOO FUCKIN' HOT.
I also don't dig bright sunlight. It's pretty and all, but it hurts my eyes. I prefer the warm glow of a television or a computer monitor. >:)
Sure, we need sunlight for a lot of things, but can we find a way to tone it down a little? How about an polarized atmospheric shield around the planet that just eliminates all the UV rays and tints the sun a bit? That would be swell.
Other than that, summer rocks my cock. I love wearing t-shirts and feeling (relatively) comfy. I still haven't done anything especially "summery," but at least I have nice scenery to look at. (i.e; women in revealing clothing.)
I am so pale. lol.
I refuse to tan though. I will not go to a tanning bed nor will I sit in the sun with the intention of catching a tan. It's just another facet of pop culture beatification that I don't want anything to do with. Fuck being beautiful. Be real.
I think that people that go to tanning beds are morons anyway. Why pay for something that you can get for free almost any time, anywhere? It's even more ridiculous than paying for bottled water!
If you do both on a regular basis, I reccommend euthenasia.
Once again, my goals of the summer are simple. I want to go to Cedar Point and/or another amusement at least once, catch any decent concerts that come near, and enjoy each day as it comes.
I didn't realize this for a while, but now that I think about it I am glad that Lisa and I stopped being friends. We were really bad for each other. When I was around her I felt compelled to be pessimistic and cynical all the time. I don't know the reasons for that, I just know that since we've stopped hanging out I have been in a much better mood. My stress level has dropped tremendously, I have more energy and I've even lost weight! She was bringing me down just as much as I was bringing her down. I wish I could have seen that much earlier.
The only thing that sucks about the whole situation is that I am sure that there's going to be a time in which we will have to see each other, or possibly even have to hang out at the same place. THAT would be awkward. Josh is sorta a friend of hers, and we've talked about hanging out sometime. Libby is another friend of hers that I thought was cool, although we never talk. I'll just handle it as it comes. I'm pretty confident in my decision-making capabilities. I'm only a fool for love.