Griping about having to write "research papers." Totally ignorable

Jun 24, 2007 23:02

So we've come to the last week of Summer session 1. Funny, since we just turned in the six page "midterm essay" last week. Here's a rundown of what I should be working on right now.

One 12-16 page "research paper" with at least five "researched" sources (was due Monday, now due Wednesday) with footnotes. How in god's name do you do footnotes? I've never done footnotes. What's wrong with in-text citations?

One 10 minute presentation on a poet, (on Wednesday) which I haven't started. Haven't even picked a poet yet, since we haven't followed the syllabus since week one so it's impossible to plan ahead. Plan to throw it together on Tuesday night, or more likely Wednesday afternoon. More of an annoyance than anything else. Most class presentations are.

One 6 page (tentatively, I'm hopeful she'll reduce the page count since so many of my classmates complained last week) essay, due Friday before 4:30 or so. She'll probably distribute the essay question on Monday.

And also of course, doing the readings for the Monday and Wednesday class.

I really should have worked on this crap over the weekend, but I'm an idiot I guess. So here I am, preparing for an all-night bullshitting session. It's really amazing to me that even in grad. school you can totally fake anything if you're willing to give your bullshit 100%. Getting an MFA really requires no prior knowledge of anything literary. Or maybe it's just my stupid school. I can't wait till these worthless lit. courses are done so I can just write shit I want to write and read shit I want to read.

And then, after a four day weekend where I intend to get fully plastered in celebration, the whole mess starts again for summer session 2. Same shit, different class room. I think perhaps I've outgrown this whole student thing. Thank god I graduate at the end of next year. I don't think I could handle jumping through anymore hoops just to get the meaningless A, check mark, or "Great Job!" scrawled in red ink. And what with the grade inflation these days I'm convinced they really ARE meaningless.
A- is the new C.
At least after summer sessions I'll have almost a whole month before Fall semester starts.
Though I'm actually looking forward to the Fall. Two workshops, maybe a part time job, and NO MORE LIT. CLASSES EVER. It's gonna soooo schwwweeeeet.
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