Revenge, Chapter 1

Jul 22, 2008 11:44

Title:  Revenge
Author:  vinniebatman
Rating: Mature/adult.  So if you don’t like M/M smut, you’ve been warned!
Warnings: It's a rated adult and features a M/M pairing.  So yeah, warning for gay sex.  Oh, and some foul language.
Pairing:  Spike/Xander (mmm… Spander)
Summary:  Spike plans his revenge.  But Spike's plans never go quite as he hopes....
Disclaimer:  I hired a pack of ninjas to kidnap Joss; he was threatened with hot poker torture and chainsaws so I could meet the real him. I now own all. Thank you.   *Doctor's Note: Patient exhibits delusions of grandeur and any claims of ownership are pure fantasy. No harm is meant. Seriously, it's better than her throwing rocks at people.*
Beta:  suki_blue, she's my hero!
Author’s Note 1:  Takes place post-chip in a very vague season 4, only Anya hasn't returned to the city.
Author’s Note 2:  This was the first smutty slash piece I’d actually written, and I initially posted it a few years ago.  I did start on the second part, only to discover that I wanted to make some major revisions to the characterizations.  I've reposted this portion in its edited form so that when I do post parts two and three there are fewer continuity errors.

Giles was having one of those nights.  Most nights, the Scoobies met at the Magic Box to discuss patrol.  Sometimes there would be little to deal with; other times, a large nest or a new demon.  If Spike’s assistance was required, one of the teens would find the vampire.  But unfortunately,  it was one of those nights.

For whatever reason, Spike had shown up mere moments after sunset.  Then Willow and Tara had appeared, looking up spells that gave him flashbacks of Ethan Rayne.  Of course on this night, Riley had decided to attend, so Buffy was… distracted.  In response to Riley’s presence, Spike had started playing “anger-the-commando.”  Luckily, he’d been granted a brief reprieve by Xander’s arrival with the pizzas and Riley’s need to return to base.  Then there had been blessed silence for fifteen minutes as the group had devoured the pizza.

“So let me get this right.  This Oregano-ash­-,” Buffy started, interrupting Giles’s peace.

“Orenashk,” Giles corrected.

“Right, Orenask, is what’s been killing the homeless guys down by Sunnydale Creek?”


“Right, so how do I kill it?” Buffy asked.  “Usual slice and dice or is there some sort magicy sword I need to use?”

“Well, its scales have magical properties, as does its blood,” Giles explained.  “Killing it is rather difficult as the scales are virtually indestructible.  The only way to kill it is to attack it from beneath, inserting the blade under the scales.”

Spike smirked from his perch on the counter.  “So let me get this straight: Slayer Barbie here has to get close enough to a seven-foot demon with razor-sharp teeth to drive a sword up under its scales and into its belly?”  He laughed.  “Good luck.”

Giles removed his glasses and began polishing them.  “Well, they have been killed in the past; it isn’t impossible, just… tricky.”

“Can I just hit it with your car?” Buffy pouted.  Giles paled.

“Need I remind you that you don’t have a license?” Giles warned.

Buffy waved a hand dismissively.

Xander spoke up before Giles needed another scotch.  “Hate to break it to you, Buff, but Giles’s pimp-mobile doesn’t exactly have four wheel drive.”


“Sounds fun.”  Spike smiled and began drumming his heels against the counter, enjoying the vein that pulsed at Giles’s temple.  “You know, I always enjoy watching you lot get tossed around.”

“Any spells we can use?” Willow asked, grinning excitedly while Tara looked nervous at the prospect of patrolling.

Giles sighed.  “Unfortunately, no.  Its scales protect it from magic.  It was created to be an unstoppable warrior of sorts, but they are rather unruly and... messy.”

“As indicated by the dismembered hobos littering the creek,” Xander pointed out, eying the last slice of pizza.  “I was hoping for a werewolf; those are easy, you just shoot them with a dart.”

Spike laughed and jumped down from the counter, walking closer as he spoke.  “It’s been two weeks since the last full moon, boy.  So unless you've discovered a type of werewolf that turns at different times, you really are as stupid as you look.”  With that, he grabbed the last slice from under Xander’s nose.

“Spike, isn’t that a bit garlicky for you?” Willow asked.

“Don’t stop the man if he’s hungry, Wills,” Xander grumbled.

Spike smirked in response.  “Yeah, guess it is.”  Staring at Xander, he dropped the slice into the garbage.

“What the hell, Spike?  God, is it because I put that stupid little cross in your blood?”  Spike shrugged as Xander continued his tirade.  “You know you deserved it after calling my parents to confirm my order from ‘Whips and Chains, etc.!’”

Spike’s smirk melted into a doe-eyed gaze of innocence.  “Gee, I’m sorry mate.  I thought you would have enjoyed that sort of play.”  He walked back over to the counter, then added, “Poof.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Xander yelled, charging at the vampire.  Giles reached out and forced the angry teen back into his seat.

“Calm down, Xander; he’s just trying to provoke you,” Giles murmured, squeezing Xander's shoulder supportively.

Jaw clenched, Xander relaxed into his seat, shooting Spike a cold glare.

“Oh, certainly got your knickers in a twist.  Methinks the boy doth protest too much,” Spike taunted.  In truth, he did have his suspicious about the boy’s sexuality, but he figured Xander was just too repressed to admit it.  And since he couldn't actually torture Xander, he figured teasing him about deep-seated psychological issues would just have to suffice.

“Stop it, guys!” Buffy yelled.  “Some weird Oreo-cash demon has been killing hobos and we need to figure out how to kill it before it starts killing babies and kitties and little old ladies that bake!”

“It’s Orenashk, Buffy.  And yes, we do need to figure this out.  Soon it will venture out of the forest and start….”

Spike stopped listening to Giles's dire warnings, focusing instead on chipping the black polish from his nails.

Stupid prat, messing with my blood.  Fuck, I’m pathetic; tossing away pizza to get revenge.  Not surprisingly, the complete impotence of his chipped existence was beginning to wear on him.  Despite his grumbling, Spike had become accustomed to killing demons for fun instead of humans; he’d found that demons provided a much greater challenge.  What bothered him was his inability to defend or feed himself, the inability to truly control his destiny.  He was a Master Vampire for Christ’s sake, and he had to put up with pranks from the Zeppo.  Luckily the cross had been too large to swallow, but it had still burned his lips.  Had Spike been an innocent bystander, he would have admitted that the prank was funny.  Yet for some odd reason, he hated seeming weak around the boy.  Spike longed for revenge.  He dreamt of nailing the boy to a wall and slowly removing his organs.  Just imaging the teen’s screams….

“Spike, have you ever fought an Orenashk demon?” Giles’s clipped voice brought him back to the matter at hand.  Spike shrugged.

“Yeah, once.  Nasty buggers, full of mojo.”  Spike stopped; he hadn’t actually chosen to fight the demon, but had killed it under orders from Dru who’d needed its blood for a dream spell.  As memories flooded Spike's brain, he grinned.  Sure, he couldn’t kill the kid, but he could still get revenge.

* * * * *

Despite his inability to kill, Spike still enjoyed the hunt.  Walking at the back of the group, he was simultaneously amused and horrified at what the Scoobies considered stealth.  After ten minutes of the humans noisily thrashing around in the darkness, they reached the creek where they waited for the demon.  Luckily, while Orenashk demons were incredibly strong and agile, they weren't all that smart.  It attacked the group of humans, ignoring the fact that the humans carried weapons and were accompanied by a vampire.

It threw several punches, quickly knocking Giles and Xander sideways.  Willow and Tara stood to the side, muttering protection spells.  As the Slayer kicked into the demon’s face and jumped back, Spike attacked.  He drove the sword up into the Orenashk demon’s gut, sliding the blade under the shining maroon scales.  Pulling the blade out to almost its full length, he changed the entry angle.  He drove it back in, thrusting it up under the demon's ribcage and into the heart.  The demon collapsed onto the ground with flailing arms and an ear-piercing screech.

Spike stepped away from the corpse and tossed the bloody sword to Xander.  “So, you gonna keep it, Watcher?”

Shaking his head against the ringing in his ears, Giles looked at the blond vampire in confusion.  “Keep it?”

“Yeah, keep it.  Dru liked to use the blood for spells.  Said it was powerful stuff,” Spike said with a shrug of feigned nonchalance.

“What did she use it for?” Willow asked, sharing and excited grin with Tara.  Spike rolled his eyes.

“Don’t bloody know, do I?  Magic isn’t really my thing.”  Giles and Willow glanced at each other.

“Well, if its blood does indeed contain mystical properties, we shouldn’t just leave it here,” Giles rationalized.  Willow nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, we don't want some evil creature coming by and using the blood for bad stuff."

Xander looked down at the demon’s broad, seven-foot body and frowned.  “Um, just a small question; how are we getting this back to the shop?

”* * * *

After dropping the corpse of at the Magic Box, Spike had quickly pilfered the magic ingredients needed for the spell while the Scoobies had studied the demon corpse.  He’d snuck outside, using the blood on his duster for the potion.  As he headed toward Xander's basement, Spike pondered the possibilities.  What kind of a dream would work for revenge?  A horrific, violent nightmare featuring Scooby-death?  A realistic dream of Xander’s torture and death?

Oh, the boy turning into a vampire and torturing his friends!

It was after midnight when he finally knocked on the basement door.  It opened to reveal a sleepy and annoyed Xander Harris.  A shirtless, rumpled Xander Harris.

“Oh God, what now?”  Suddenly Xander frowned.  “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you stay here again.”

Spike grit his teeth and recited his speech.  “Just wanted to apologize, alright?  I went too far with what I said today.  Didn’t mean for you to get that upset,” he mumbled.  Xander blinked.

“Wait, you’re apologizing?  You, William the Bloody, member of the Scourge of Europe, Slayer of Slayers?  I’m humbled, truly.”  Xander rolled his eyes and started to shut the door.

“Well I have to deal with you, don’t I?  'Sides, Red seemed mad and I don’t wanna be on her bad side.”  A fake smile on his face, Spike clapped his hand on the boy’s shoulder in a hollow gesture of male solidarity and friendship.  He frowned, looking at Spike’s hand as a surge of misery and - pheromones?- suddenly scented the air.  The potion Spike’s hand left behind looked like little more than a dirt smudge against Xander’s tanned skin.

Sadness flashed across Xander’s eyes as he snorted.  “Should have known you’d have an angle, Spike.  Just go away,” he muttered.  Yawning, Xander turned away.

Right as the door closed, Spike voiced the first idea that came to mind.  In an inaudible whisper, he commanded: “Dream of me fucking you into submission.


From his seat outside the basement window, Spike could see the whelp sleeping on the fold-out couch.  The boy’s breath was smooth and even, his eyes rolling around under closed lids.  Spike growled low in this throat.  It was well after three a.m.

Fucking spell.  Should be fucking working by now.

He growled again; maybe it was the dream he picked, maybe there were rules to it he hadn’t followed. Frowning, he reviewed the ingredients and the spell.  As far as he could tell, he’d done everything right and the boy was dreaming.  But had the spell gone right, Xander should have started having the dreams about half an hour ago.  It was the perfect revenge; it would get in the boy’s mind, upset him, and he’d never know Spike had caused it.

Stupid idea anyways; 'dream of me fucking you into submission.'  What in the hell made me pick that?  Snarling, Spike turned and headed towards his crypt, puffing on a seventh cigarette.

Fucking magic.


Slowly, Xander became aware of his surroundings.  He was hanging by his wrists, his toes barely reaching the floor. It was a shapeless room, a single overhead light bulb lighting his immediate surrounding while casting the corners into darkness.

“You’re awake, Pet.”  Xander froze in fear: Spike.  It was then he realized that his clothing was gone and a gag was in his mouth.  Even if he could get away, what would he do, run down the street naked?  He shivered and tried to jerk away as he felt a cool hand touch his back.  Groaning, he realized his legs were chained to the floor with his legs spread open.

“What’s wrong?  Thought you wanted this, wanted me,” Spike whispered, his hands trailing down the warm back.  The boy’s warmth seemed almost electric, the feeling of blood pulsing under the tanned skin clenching the vampire’s stomach.  The tanned back was broad, corded with muscles.  Slowly he trailed his fingers down the spine, tracing the indentations of vertebrae.

Xander clenched his jaw to suppress a moan of longing.  Even though he knew he was in danger, he couldn’t deny the arousal he felt at the situation. The feeling of those cool fingers skimming his back sent heat to his middle, centering in his groin.  Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried to ignore the desire that was filling his cock with blood.

Spike leaned forward, burying his head in the boy’s neck.  He inhaled that unique scent, letting it fill him.  Fear, desire, and guilt were a heady combination.  In response to the Scooby’s reluctant desire, his own arousal was growing.  He dabbed his tongue against Xander’s pulse, tasting the human’s skin.  His cock hardened from the warm and tantalizing tattoo of the boy’s blood against his tongue.  Slowly, he skimmed his hands up the heated torso, scraping his nails over the Xander’s nipples; he repeated the movement after his prisoner whimpered.   Stepping forward, he pressed himself against the warm back, cradling his erection in the cleft of the boy’s ass.

Xander’s breathing sped up as he felt the cool erection pressed against him so intimately.  It felt large and he didn’t even want to THINK about where Spike was going to put that.  Panic began building in his mind, but when blunt teeth bit the tender flesh of his neck, lust muted all objections.  Spike began sucking on the abused flesh, and Xander bucked from the sensation.  Every nerve ending in his body was awake, the electricity of Spike’s cold touch reverberating through his body and making him harder.  God help him, he wanted this, wanted Spike.

The vampire began rocking slowly against Xander, moving his mouth to an earlobe.  He bit it, then released it and whispered.

“You’re delicious.  Could spend days tasting you.”  The air ghosted across the wet earlobe and Xander moaned against his gag.  The cool fingers returned to his nipples, twisting and pinching.  Any logical protest evaporated as pleasure arched his body into a tight bow.  He started struggling against his chains, willing to do anything as long as Spike relieved the ache.  One hand slid down, enclosing Xander’s drooling cock in a tight fist.  He bucked at the sensation, his movements caressing Spike’s cock and drawing a hiss from his captor.  Chuckling, Spike began pumping his fist, enjoying Xander’s tortured writhing.

Like a worm on a hook he mused, brushing his thumb over the precum that dripped from the purple head.  Spike rocked harder against the boy’s body, the warmth seeping into his skin.  Smiling, he reached up and removed the gag.

“Want me to stop, Xander?”

“Oh God no, please.  Please, Spike.   Feels so good, so fucking good, but more, need more,” Xander babbled in response.  Spike slowed his movements.

“Tell me what you want, and I’ll take care of you,” he promised, his voice low and husky.

“I don’t know!” Xander wailed.  Gritting his teeth, Spike stopped completely.

“Tell me what you want.”  Xander sobbed.

“Please, Spike!  Please just fuck me!”

Growling, Spike's game face surfaced.  Grabbing Xander’s hips, he spread the cheeks apart.  At the site of the twitching pink hole, he lost the last of his control.  Roaring, he rammed himself in to the boy’s ass.

Xander sobbed in relief; there was no pain, only a fullness and flash of pleasure.  Whatever Spike had hit inside him had felt good.  Really fucking good.  Spike pulled out, almost all of the way, and then slammed himself back in.  The boy’s inner muscles massaged his cock perfectly until he was aware of nothing else but the clasping warmth; he barely even registered the boy’s pleas for more.  He pounded into the warmth in front of him, lost in the sensation.  With another roar, he slammed into Xander’s ass one last time and he sank his fangs into the boy’s neck.

* * *

Spike’s eyelids snapped open.  He immediately registered three things.  One, he was alone is his crypt.  Two, he was breathing hard.  Three, his sheets were wet with come.  Spike thought back to the vivid dream, his cock hardening immediately.  Christ, he could still taste the boy's blood.

“Fucking magic,” he groaned.

* * *

That Afternoon…

A whistling Xander strolled into the Magic Box, a box of donuts tucked under his arm.  As he dropped it on the table, Willow came downstairs.

“Hey, Xan!” she called.  She walked quickly towards him, throwing her arms around him.   “You’re in a good mood today.  Sleep well?”

Xander smiled.  “I slept great."

“That’s good,” she smiled, grabbing a donut from the box.

“Although Spike stopped by last night and apologized for being, well, evil,” he recalled, his brow twisted in confusion, his eyes glazing over at the memory.  Willow laughed.

“Okay, Xander, I know you’re confused right now about whether you're are gay or bi or whatever.  I'm cool with what you decide, but getting dreamy eyes over Spike?  That’s just weird.”

Xander snapped out of his reverie and jumped to his feet, frantically shaking his head.  “Nononononono!  That was not okay!  I so don’t have a thing for the Bleached Menace!  You take that back!”

Laughing, she held her hands up in surrender.  “Sorry, I mistook your ‘dreaming-of-staking-Spike’ look for a ‘dreaming-of-staking-Spike’ look.  My mistake, won’t happen again.”

Studying him, Willow frowned.

“What do you have on under your shirt?”

Blushing, Xander pulled out a small leather pouch hanging from his neck.

“This?  I came across a protection spell.  Whatever spell someone puts on me goes back on them.  I figured with my luck, it would be a good idea.”  His brow suddenly furrowed.  “I wonder if anyone’s tried putting a spell on me lately.”

Willow’s face brightened; “Oh!  There’s an energy spell we can do and it traces-.”

“Um, never mind Wills.  I’m probably just being paranoid.”
 Xander shook his head and pulled out a sprinkled chocolate donut.  Taking a bite, he savoured the sugary, chocolaty goodness on his tongue.  This day frickin’ rocked.

Chapter TWO is here

Original Post Located HERE, should you desire to see the lameness.

btvs, fanfic, spander, my writing

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