Title: Talking During Movies Author: vinniebatman aka batmanvinnie Fandom: BtVS Pairing/Character: Spander. Rating/Warnings: R for language, innuendo, implied sexual acts. Prompt:. From
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Hee hee, glad you liked. In person when someone (usually me) makes a pun, I like to make a sound like a rim shot (like cheesy comics use), but now, after reading so much fanfic, I automatically go to rim... job. I'm a baaad panda.
Nice. I think it worked well. It's absolutely clear who's who, and remains so throughout. My main problem with all-dialogue scenes is that sometimes when authors lose the "voices" a bit part way through a scene like this, I find myself having to count lines back up going "okay, that's Spike... Xander... Spike... ok, so Xander's the one talking about the cat", that kind of thing. Nothing like that here. Very well done. :)
*grins, blushes* Thank you! I'm glad you thought I did it well. I always get nervous when I try new stuff, so the fb gives me the happy.... Okay, that sounded/looked wrong. I mean the happy in that it made me happy, not that it gave me the happy like Spike gave Xan the happy. I'll be silent now. Thanks!
Oh, I'm with you on the nervousness, new stuff is always scary. I find I have to force myself to include more dialogue, but in the end, I think the dialogue more than anything is what makes the characterization work. Yes, if you have the characters doing anything too OOC, the best "voices" still may not save the fic, but bottom line, they've got to sound recognizably them. The shows are dialogue-based and we all know the voices, and the interaction/banter is part of their charm.
Comments 18
While I was planning this one, I came up with another one. But it will have to wait. Other prompts await!
Fabulous hon!!!!
I was going to say it didn't suck, but hey....BJ!
I liked it. I love that Spike has such strong opinions, but not only that, he can back them up with personal experience.
And the demo is a good idea too, heheh. Yum!
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