Feb 15, 2008 23:15
Ok so I am trying to write an article on how to translate the qualities of classic literary heroines into the modern age, and have come to somewhat of a impasse as I have to think and ponder which strong literary heroines I should choose--1) that aren't too obscure (that most people would have heard of) and 2) that aren't entirely British or white woman. Even coming up with them in the first place was harder than I anticipated. I keep trying to think of literary woman who have saved others from danger and coming up short-handed. Perhaps this is merely modern movie heroines like swashbuckling Keira Knightly who have few literary peers.
Anyways I've got
Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Eyre, Cathy Earnshaw, Anne Shirely, Jo March, Scarlett O'Hara, and Scheherazade.
Any help would be appreciated...