Nov 05, 2009 23:08
Why do I have so many papers--why?
Seeing how I'm going home this weekend, I'm planning to buy Dragon Age: Origins. Pre-ordered it way back in August. But like, I'm not going to have time to play! By next Monday I have:
Poetry Essay
Poetry response poem
Creative Writing Short Story
Creative writing 1 page story
x2 Modernism papers/responses
I'm still trying to figure out how to write "Her Song" and like I've tried two different drafts. The first one is way too long at 20+ pages and it's drags so much, the second one was on prof's guidance but then the protagonist doesn't do much in it. I'm now playing with the idea of making it a short, intense 2nd person burst of a story that's like purely contained frustration and intense emotion. Should be easier because all I feel towards it is frustration. Prof seem interested. Then again, I tend to over-abstract everything and if I do write this in 2nd person, it's definitely going to be abstract and over-artsy. Gawd, I've been reading Toomer and Stein in my modernism class! Do you know what that know which one knows what it does to one's knowing writing? Only someone with a deathwish would read the full version of The Making of Americans. I wrote a freaking 7 page paper last week on "Melanctha" just on how she repeats the word "wisdom" through that novella.
Anyway, This week has been horrendous. I went to Youmacon with one of my roommies and all her IA friends last weekend. Needed it after that paper, my AmCult paper, and all the freaking kendo "politics" (codeword: drama). Ate something weird (bad ramen?) there and I've been having minor allergic reactions since. Like whole body covered in rashes. Been taking Benadryl to combat it but that thing leaves me zombie-like. It's probably because of it that I have this crazy work pile-up.
Guuuh...Dragon Age...I want to play it. T___T Prolly won't get to it until Thanksgiving break, boo.
creative writing