Mergh fireclaw just realized how random her mind works. Walking home today thinking about history and stuff and BOOM! She has this weird idea for an essay. Tried, really tried to get out of head…was doing history terms list. Now going to waste at least a good half hour writing a stupid essay that is just randomness. Complete with history-type thesis.
Wrote this without any prior research. Can’t remember when was the last named peiod. Timed like how ap america/world history essays are timed. [edit: screwed up (bro interference) …gave self extra time]
Through the course of recorded human history, various periods have been given names such as “The Stone Age” or “The Jazz Age;”due to increasing trend of machinery, the continual search to simplify aspects of culture, and the lighthearted yet satirical philosophy often expressed people living in the age all result in logically naming the period of post-Cold War to current times the “LOL Age”.
To begin, even before the invention of the computer in the late 1960s, society in general saw to an exponential growth in machinery-now to even a more dramatic growth does the human race evolve on the basics of technology. It is presumed by many that, in currnet times, human knowledge is supposed to double ever few years instead of centuries as it did in the Dark Ages. With the widespread of technology comes easier communication. From horse to trains then into Morse code which made way to World War I airplanes in the 1920s eventually were replaced by the telephone. The computer once was only exclusive to scientist, existed as a huge room-sized machine which could only compute minimal data now has become substantially smaller, compact, and able to process hundreds of different programs in a single second. Not only is this, the computer is now owned in a majority of American homes. Contacting others via computer has become another form communication. With inventions of internet messaging with programs such as AOL, MSN, and Yahoo messenger, it is now possible to talk to a person living thousands of miles away. Technology, therefore proves to be a dramatic impact on the daily lives of people living in modern times.
Not only is this true but with these machine inventions, human life has signifcantly improved through the use of tehnology, and as a result certain aspects are simplified. With inventions such as the dish washer, the laundry machine, and the electronic freezer, human life is made easier. People no longer have to spend time doing menial chores and can use their free time in pursuit of other interests. Lifestyles are forced to speed up. Compared to the time in Dark Ages where things were done far more slowly and simplistically, modern life in the 21st century is forced to conform to fit the culture and as a result is complex and busy. People speed by in their lives trying to do as much as they possibly can everyday. The American culture is built upon flittering from one place to another in the shortest amount of time. In China, the Chinese writing system’s characters have been simplified in order to save time for the writers. This aspect of modern day culture can be best seen online where words are usually always shorten in speech. Examples are common simplfication of speech suhc as “brb, afk, and-of course-“lol”.
Finally the modern age can be fitted under the title of “the LOL Age” due to the commonday philosophy of humor executed by people living in this time. In these times, entertainment is prominent in the lives of people. In gernal, society seeks to be entertained, to be amused. Anything and everything can be used as a commonplace joke. Almost everything is twisted into a gag that can sometimes be found obtrusive and even offensive. The court jesters of the past have expanded into entire enterprises.
"LOL” standing for “laugh out loud” definatly defines the impact machinery, simplification, and pursuit of humor expressed by people people in moderrn day culture. The meaning of "LOL" expresses the humor is exploited and searched for by people. The phrase comes from a computerized online language, symbolizing the importance that techology has on a person living's way of life as well as constant search to reduce time spent on tasks that all summarize characteristics of society in general.
gawd such a nerd. mrrf...that turned out really bad. On random side note...O'Brien finally gave us our essays back. Shocked to an A+ and a "Wow that was beautiful" from her. Major improvement from the C she gave me on the Gastby essay...(91!!! I got poopy 91 as final quarter grade!!!...stupid honors grading scale. Tis hard 'nough without it...)
was going to say something else...forgot. How absent minded ~coughTYPICALcough~ of fireclaw. gawd can't remember if we have cello sectionals tomorrow...