Jul 28, 2006 07:16
So tonight as work was not unlike many other nights... we were dead had 6 people on the floor so i sent elizabeth home an hour earlystill dead... rico and rachel adn jessica and ryan both come in (weirdly enough it was almost at the same time)... still dead... rico asks if weve been busy i said no dead... hes like ok... i was like if we stay dead im gonna go home early he mumbled something and when i asked what he said he said nothing... i think it was something like "well that would be a first".. sorry dude but i close by myself a lot or with brandy and we never really are staffed to send myself home early... but i understand why he said that hes been catching a lot of flack from john because myself and meghan have been getting a lot of overtime... like almost 10 hours the last 3-4 paychecks... maybe longer... so i mena i do feel bad but its not really that controllable... so anyways we stayed busyish for a like a half hour... then died... by this time it was about 9ish... and we died again... meghan had finished playland and bathrooms and i told her if we stayed dead she could go at 930... well we got a small spurt... and stupid car of young retardo boys came through the drive thru brandy toopk their money and closed the window.. well they decided it would be a good idea to open the window... so i walked myself over there and said this window needs to remain closed until an authorized mcdonalds employee opens it ... thank you have a nice night... they started saying oh it was open la la la... i closed the window and walked away....so then meghan went home... 20 mins later we got a drunk bastard... and drunk bastard was real drunk... i guess he told brandy that he had gone out in hopes of finding a steak dinner... but "its 1030 in moscow fuckin idaho and NOBODY serves steak at 1030 in moscow idaho" poor drunk bastard...i told her she should have thanked him for choosing mcdonalds as the next best thing to a steak dinner...lol... hope his large double quarter meal was good.. so as he pulled away brandy got his plate and called it in... maybe they arrested him and were serving steak for dinner in the jail... that would be nice:)
haha so i sound synical... and like i dont like my job... oh wait...;)
anyways..in other news... jody had her baby.. Estrella May Zaragosa... im sure shes a adorable and all that... maybe carrie or kellie will take pics so i can see since im not heading down till the 6th.. so congrats jody... kellie and i are moving into eagle point on the 20th of august... and my lil sisters mad at me... because im not gonna be down for her bday which i feel badly about...
but anyway... thats all my current... talk to you all later:)