On hating the scene

Nov 05, 2005 05:52

I can't sleep so here is a thought

On hating the scene. Many people claim to hate the scene. Sure I hate scenesters and the Springfield scene kids blah blah blah. That is just an over generalization. I love live music. I love the thought of a group of people getting together to enjoy live music. I love branching out and socializing to live music. However, we have created a stereotype of a "scene" kid. Insert a ton of stereotype things you think a scene kid is or does. Why do people focus on hating the scene? I mean these are the kids who sit at Denny's all night and I see at shows all the time. Are these not the kids who say "I wish "so so so insert band name" would come to town" These kids also indulge in scene delights such as myspace and livejournal and whatever the fuck you kids are posting personal information on these days. (Personally I like facebook). Then they try and make these things as "unscene" as possible. Nobody gives a fuck how unscene you are ...nobody gives a fuck what kind of music you listen to ..nobody gives a fuck how hard you are trying to be unaccepted by the people you surround yourself with.

Treat the scene like a blanket. It is there. You neither hate or love the blanket. Sometimes you lay under it, sometimes on, and sometimes you don't lay with it at all. It is just there. It could be blue, pink, red, green ....it could be a combination of colors or have a fancy pattern on it. It is just there. It might be soft or rough. It is just there.
Point is nobody gives a fuck what kind of combination your blanket makes up. It is just a blanket get the fuck over it.
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