Let Me In - 7b/10

Jul 22, 2012 03:28

Pairing: Kurtbastian
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kurt Hummel finds an unexpected acquaintance with Sebastian Smythe after a tough break-up. He tries to keep their fling a strict Friends with Benefits situation, but Sebastian starts to break through his carefully guarded walls, even though he isn't necessarily an open book, either.

Link to Part A
              It turned out Sebastian’s confidence was well-deserved, however, Kurt thought as he reached to clear the empty plates from the table. Sebastian moved to get up and help.

“No, no. You cooked, I clean,” Kurt told him.

“Whatever you say, babe,” Sebastian said, taking Kurt’s place on the stool to watch him clean up. They were both quiet and thoughtful and Sebastian waited until they had both plopped on the couch to speak. Kurt had his head in Sebastian’s lap who was stroking his hair lightly (something Kurt didn’t usually allow, but he figured he was in for the night, so why not?). “Speaking of doing whatever you say, though…When are you going to tell me what it is we are doing tonight?” Kurt worked on calming his blush a little before opening his eyes to find Sebastian watching him from above.

“Well, right now, we are relaxing after a long evening of cooking and cleaning,” Kurt replied.

“I think you know what I was referring to. Backing out, are we?” Sebastian teased, but Kurt could tell he was obviously wrecked with curiosity. Kurt stomped down any anxiety threatening to make itself known. There was absolutely no reason for him to be nervous, he assured himself as he moved to a sitting position. He shifted to straddle Sebastian’s lap, settling down comfortably as he just looked into the other boy’s eyes like they were just having a normal discussion about the weather.

“There’s something I want to do with you that we haven’t done before,” Kurt said slowly, his voice naturally lowering slightly.

“I had guessed that, actually,” Sebastian smirked. “You were kind of straightforward about that bit. So…what is it?” He asked finally after Kurt made no attempt to explain.

“I was wondering how you feel about…maybe bottoming?” Kurt couldn’t control the hesitation in his voice like he had just revealed a deep dark secret.

“Oh.” Sebastian’s natural air of confidence washed away as he registered what Kurt said, which was clearly the last thing he had expected. “Have you ever topped before?” He deflected from the question momentarily. Kurt laughed at that.

“Almost exclusively before you actually,” Kurt said, grinning. With Blaine he had only bottomed maybe three times before he got the hint that Blaine really preferred to bottom, which he didn’t mind one bit. He had actually been completely thrown off when he first started having sex with Sebastian, but he soon realized both positions were equally satisfying, just in completely different ways.

“Really?” Sebastian was clearly surprised at that, but he still hadn’t answered Kurt’s question.

“Mmhmm. Have you ever bottomed before?” Kurt asked. He had expected Sebastian to scoff and respond with something like Yeah, but your ass is just made for me to pound into it or Sure, I’ve tried it, but you know how controlling my dick can be. What he did not expect was for Sebastian to look uncharacteristically nervous and hesitant, responding with a slight shake of his head.

“No, I never have.”

“Oh.”  Kurt couldn’t hide his own shock at that. “Oh, well, just forget I mentioned it, really. It’s not a big deal and I really didn’t expect…well I didn’t know that, you know, I just thought…but really it’s okay and totally not even an-” Kurt was cut off with Sebastian taking his lips between his thumb and forefinger. Once he was sure Kurt was going to stop rambling he removed his fingers and replaced them with his lips. Kurt was becoming more and more incoherent, forgetting about any spoken words as he ground his hips down slightly, gasping a little when his erection grazed against Sebastian’s when Sebastian finally pulled away.

“Let’s do it,” Sebastian said. It took Kurt a moment before he understood.

“What? Really, Bas, it’s not a big deal. I shouldn’t have-”

“Stop,” Sebastian said, silencing him again. “I want to try it. With you.” He stressed the last bit as he moved his fingers once more from Kurt’s lips and stroked along Kurt’s cheekbone down to his jaw line. Kurt gazed into his eyes, searching for any hesitance, but he only found a small spark of determination and want gazing back at him.

“Okay,” Kurt nodded, lifting himself off of Sebastian and tugging the boy up with him. “Let’s go upstairs.”

Any anxiety that was threatening to take over drained out of Kurt as he led the other boy onto his bed. He was still extremely comfortable topping and he couldn’t help but feel a small thrill at introducing Sebastian, the most experienced gay man he had met, to such a new experience. He remembered how it was with Blaine the first time and he knew he was going to have to be as slow and gentle as he had been before. He tried to shake off any of his usual assumptions and remind himself that even though Sebastian was kind of known for his promiscuity, this was something completely different for him.

He worked over the boy, slowly peeling their clothes from their bodies, peppering kisses across his chest. Kurt took his time sucking kisses down his neck, grazing his teeth and tongue against each nipple before reaching for the lube and condom. He set the condom aside and slicked up his fingers generously, moving his tongue back to trace along Sebastian’s chest.

Kurt dipped his tongue in Sebastian’s navel as he pressed a finger to Sebastian’s entrance, circling and pressing only a fingertip past the tight ring of muscle. He paused to watch Sebastian let out a small breath as he slipped his finger in, stilling to allow Sebastian to adjust to the abnormal sensation. Once Sebastian’s muscles relaxed a bit he moved to slowly fuck his finger in, still tracing his tongue along curves and rivets of Sebastian’s body.

He pulled his finger back to slip another in alongside it while dipping his tongue down to twirl the head of Sebastian’s cock. He began licking broad stripes along the sides of Sebastian’s cock as he thrust in the two fingers, eventually moving them more to spread and turn, stretching the muscles and opening Sebastian for him. When it was time, Kurt slowly added a third finger, finally completely taking Sebastian’s cock into his mouth as a distraction. It worked, Kurt sucking earnestly and taking Sebastian apart beneath him. It was when he started to stretch, twist, and crook his fingers slightly that Sebastian became more audible beyond his small moans.

“Oh, shit. Fuck, Kurt,” Sebastian groaned almost incomprehensibly as Kurt allowed himself a small smile around Sebastian’s cock that he was likely the only person to find Sebastian’s prostate.

He continued stretching the muscles Sebastian couldn’t relax on his own, swallowing against Sebastian at the back of his throat and consistently dragging across his prostate.

“Kurt, unghh, wait,” Sebastian moaned, tapping the top of Kurt’s head. “If you, mmmmh, want to, wow, you need to…” Sebastian trailed, mumbling incoherently and Kurt could clearly recognize his attempts t keeping his orgasm at bay. Kurt slowly pulled off of Sebastian’s cock, slipping his fingers out with a final slide against his prostate.

“Are you ready?” Kurt asked, breathing hot into Sebastian’s ear and sucking his earlobe into his mouth. Sebastian hummed agreeingly, pushing Kurt off and sitting up. He grabbed the condom, ripping it from the package before slowly rolling it onto Kurt’s length and capturing Kurt into a messy, deep kiss.

Kurt overdid it with the lube, slicking himself up much more than usual. He pressed himself against Sebastian’s hole, gazing into his eyes and bending himself down for another kiss. There was no technique, just a mashing of lips and tongue, but it was perfect for the moment as Kurt pressed in agonizingly slow. He steeled in a deep breath at the tight heat that he hadn’t felt in a long time, wrapping his forefinger and thumb around the base of his dick, focusing all of his energies on cooling down a bit. Sebastian took slow, deep breaths and Kurt could feel the muscles constricting around him slowly begin to relax and open up.

Sebastian reached to grab one of Kurt’s left hand, tangling their fingers together as he finally nodded. “You can move.”

Kurt couldn’t hide the grateful moan that escaped from him. He slowly pulled out, clutching Sebastian’s hand and wincing at his poorly hidden grimace, before pressing in again just a tiny bit faster than the first time. He paused once completely inside before repeating the motion, slightly faster than before. He kept this pattern up, slowly, very slowly, gaining momentum. With every thrust Sebastian seemed to relax a small bit more before finally wrapping his legs around Kurt and pulling him deeper.

Kurt twisted them slightly and angled his hips until Sebastian shuddered beneath him, moaning Kurt’s name. He smiled again, glad to have found the right position for Sebastian’s prostate. He hit the spot relentlessly, sure that he was finally taking away from any discomfort Sebastian was probably feeling. He reveled in watching Sebastian beneath him, especially as it became obvious how close he was getting.

Kurt brought up their joined hand, curling it around Sebastian’s cock and began stroking with the help of a little lube.

“Kurt, unfh, I’m about to, ohhh.” Sebastian moaned and began to completely fall apart on one of Kurt’s deepest thrusts, coming in hot streaks against their chests and hands. It gave Kurt an intense high to see Sebastian coming apart beneath him, his body twitching, and muscles contracting and fluttering against him and Kurt finally gave in to himself, releasing his orgasm and thrusting twice more as he filled the condom.

Even after they finished Sebastian’s muscles still twitched as they came down from the after-effects, the sensation becoming almost too much for Kurt. He slowly eased himself out, smiling at the small whine Sebastian released at the loss before immediately disposing of the condom and grabbing a damp washcloth to clean them up with. Once done he collapsed back onto Sebastian, content to not move again until morning.

“Wow,” Sebastian said breathlessly. “That was…wow, Kurt.” He tugged Kurt up a bit and planted another sloppy kiss onto his lips, exactly what they both needed at the moment. They grew slack after a short while, succumbing to sleep with their lips still pressed against each other.

Kurt woke in the middle of the night, oddly unsettled by the fact that he wasn't touching another warm body. He spread his hand around the bed, but didn't make contact with the boy who should've been curled around him. He peeked an eye open and was presented with an empty room.

Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, Kurt rolled himself out of bed, pulled on some sweatpants, and padded into the hall.

"Sebastian?" he called, walking further to find the bathroom was empty. There was no response. Kurt's breathing hitched and he found himself oddly unsettled at the fact that Sebastian left while Kurt was sleeping. Maybe it was because Kurt had always been the one to leave and it was always before Sebastian had fallen asleep, so he would know what to expect. Kurt couldn't help but feel disgruntled as he continued downstairs to grab a glass of water. Before he could make it to the kitchen, though, he noticed the porch light on. He opened the front door quietly.

Sebastian sat on lowest step down Kurt's porch, staring out to the street with a lit cigarette poised between his fingers. He sucked in a long drag, turning when he heard Kurt's approach.

Kurt sat next to him as Sebastian turned away to release the smoke from his lungs.

"What're you doing out here?" Kurt asked. Sebastian gave him a guilty smile as he lifted the cigarette in explanation.

"I didn't know you smoke."

"I don't, really," Sebastian said. "Well, enough to carry around a pack and lighter, I guess, but I just smoke when I'm..." He trailed off.

"When you're what?" Kurt asked. Sebastian just shrugged, squashing the light and tossing the remnants into the bushes.

"Let's go back inside." Sebastian tugged him to his feet and wrapping his arms around Kurt when he shivered slightly from the cool night air, just realizing they were both shirtless. Kurt leaned into the embrace, savoring every inch of his skin that was pressed against Sebastian's warm body, adjusting to the change in scent.

Sebastian had only just pressed his lips to Kurt's when Kurt pulled back, his face scrunched in distaste.

"You taste like an ashtray," Kurt complained.

"Licking ash trays now, are we?" Sebastian teased, but followed with an apology before pressing a tiny kiss to Kurt's exposed collarbone.

“It makes you smell really different, too. I don’t like it.” Kurt scrunched his nose in emphasis. He finally noticed what Sebastian was wearing. “Why are you wearing your jeans from yesterday?” Kurt asked.

“I didn’t exactly bring an overnight bag,” Sebastian explained. He continued when Kurt raised an eyebrow at him. “I didn’t want to be presumptuous.”

He tugged the other boy back up to his room, pulling off his pants as Kurt popped something in his mouth from his desk drawer. He followed Sebastian into bed and captured him in a kiss, pressing in his tongue and transferring a mint into the other boy’s mouth. Sebastian chuckled, sucking the mint and Kurt's tongue into his mouth.

Kurt curled into his side and finally felt Sebastian slowly relax, falling back into sleep. It was such a close moment for the two. Kurt had let him spend the night and it felt so different from when he was at Sebastian’s the previous night. He had stayed because Sebastian was upset and it was something he needed. Now, though, Kurt couldn’t get over the fact that he simply wanted Sebastian here. He didn’t want to kick Sebastian out after sex or run from the scene himself anymore and it was only slightly bothersome that he knew how relieved Sebastian was at that. He knew he wouldn’t come out and tell Sebastian any of that, though. It would just be how things are now, just like when they had initially begun their string of booty calls. It wasn’t something they acknowledged or talked about, it just became a mutual agreement and they both knew what the whole “Friends with Benefits” thing would entail.

Only…was that what this was anymore? It didn’t feel like it to Kurt. He wasn’t letting himself fall for Sebastian, certainly not, but what was happening? They weren’t exclusive, but they weren’t a couple. They weren’t just friends, but they also weren’t just lovers. In the end, Kurt decided that labels didn’t matter. He had one month. One month before they parted ways, Kurt off to New York and Sebastian…well, Kurt didn’t even know where Sebastian was going, but still. Kurt was going to just make the best of the next month they had together and just enjoy his time as Sebastian’s…whatever. There really couldn’t be anything more to it than that, could there? Even if he wasn’t leaving in a month it wasn’t like Sebastian could really be anything more than that to him. Sebastian was…well, he was who he was. It was just a couple of days ago, Kurt had to remind himself, that Sebastian didn’t return his texts because he had been out all night, probably at Chateau or Scandals or some other gay bar where he was having sex with some guy who wasn’t Kurt and since they weren’t actually together, Kurt was not allowed to have any feelings about it other than indifference.

Kurt had thought that Sebastian was asleep when he made Kurt jump, saying, “You’re thinking very loudly. It’s keeping me awake.” Kurt smiled at him sheepishly.

“I’ll tell my thoughts to keep it down,” he replied, squeezing himself closer to Sebastian’s side and working on relaxing all of his muscles in his body and eventually quieting his thoughts enough to fall back asleep, still wrapped around Sebastian’s heated (and slightly smoke-scented) body.

Just a little random note: I love writing fics with gay characters, obviously, but during the Rachel scene I couldn’t get over how nice it was to be able to use only pronouns for a few sentences and you all would still know exactly who I’m talking about. Just a little writing thing I had to get out of my head.

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