Jan 13, 2009 02:18
Riding in the car
early winter morning
a roadside scavenger
I am a passenger
this time with definite destination
the previous nights
I hadn't thought to question
where we were wandering
an innate sense of trust
with a
a hand on my leg
makes merry music
I stare out the window
not out of disrespect
but filled with calmness
a sweet silence sweeping while he sings
to hear this voice above the hum
tires sailing on salty roads
a glance over and
I swear I catch a smile
riddles are left unsolved still
I've stopped looking for signs
stopped reading from too far away
what is it about the unknown
that creates desire to draft incorrect conclusions
losing all patience
while we stay busy
building our own sense of urgency
makes it easier to be drawn away
without ever really struggling
will I breathe slower now
catch my breath finally
not give way so easily
to having it taken
learn there is no caution
before proceeding
just sailing through
until weather sets in
despite questions and concerns
that pile themselves
into a monument
of our sure defeat
we proceed further
tread the dark waters
of past
and future
ignore the lighthouses
assuring us of dryer land
because neither of us is captain
neither in command
the ropes have all been cut
the sails shuddering in the wind
unable to see if where we are heading
only that it is moving
at whatever pace
and it's all the same to me
because finally I know
I'll get there
wherever that may be