May 10, 2007 08:02
Well, it's my last Thursday morning at Sherburne. The last time I will set in this chair that is really high, the last time I can count on the girl with black hair and pale skin to walk through the side door and look in the mirror. The last time I can listen to Andrea joke about me being the "Only Gay in the Village" and be slaved around. It hit me this morning when I was walking back from Mitchell that I am almost done here. Partly by choice, partly not. Really, world. Can we get on the same page? More schools need my major. I am leaving so many great people. Brittany and Christa. I have watched the two of them grow so much over the last academic year and watch their relationship blossom into something great. I will miss the support system I have here, but, I will rebuild. For sure. I better get to work for the last time ever (until hall closing).