Oct 03, 2006 18:43
friend: 51 min
friend: but i could get there in like 30
DanceInsideTS: what town?
friend: scottsburg
DanceInsideTS: i've been there a lot
DanceInsideTS: my x lives in salem
friend: oo snap! whats his name?
DanceInsideTS: jake
friend: jake hadabaugh?
DanceInsideTS: hattabaugh yes
friend: god. he really does get a around.. dayum.
DanceInsideTS: really?
DanceInsideTS: have you and him hooked up or something?
friend: no.... i talked to him for a little bit, but i was all like blah! but ive heard a whole lot of stories abotu him.
friend: wow. well, i don't want to talk about it. I'm over it and I don't want to think about all of the wrongs.
friend: o..im sorry
DanceInsideTS: when was this?
friend: well one of the recent stories ive heard about him. he dated this really nasty guy from scottsburg. (you mite kno him. charles combs) and hes fucked like a billion men and probably has AIDS.
friend: no jok
friend: charles combs that is.
The things I could go without knowing