Sep 16, 2004 21:12
"When i first saw you, i was afraid to talk to you-
When i first talked to you, i was afraid to kiss you-
When i first kissed you, I was afraid to love you-
Now that i love you, i'm afraid to lose you!"
"One day you'll ask me which is more important- your life or mine, and i'll answer 'my life' and you'll walk away without ever knowing that you are my life!"
"Life is short so kiss slowly, laugh frequently, love truly, and forgive quickly!"
"Love is when you don't wanna fall asleep because reality is better than a dream!"
"If i could be anything, i would be your tear- born in your eye, live down your cheek, and die on your lips!"
"Don't settle for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without!"
"Never give up if you still wanna try-
Never wipe your tears if you still wanna cry-
Never settle for the answers if you still wanna know-
Never say you don't love someone if you can't let them go!"
"You can close your eyes to things that you don't wanna see, but you can't close your heart to things that you don't wanna feel."
"Don't make someone a priority if they only make you an option!"
"Always be yourself because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind!"
"To the world you're just one person, but to one person you could mean the world!"