Jan 30, 2008 13:16
So I realized that other than private posts, surveys, and my anti-dentist rant, I haven't really posted since mid-December.
So I thought I'd just do an update, since that's usually a good way for me to evaluate...me.
Classes have resumed. I'm currently enrolled in Sociology of Law, Media Institutions, Diving, The Imaginary Museum, and Latin American Perspectives. Diving is only one unit, because it only meets once a week. And it's effing rad. Latin American Perspectives is a history course. It's fascinating, it's difficult, I'm the only freshman, and my professor (Liz) kicks major ass. The Imaginary Museum is sort of an art history course, only way cooler. It's taught by this little old French man with a thick accent, which does make lectures a bit more difficult, but he's pretty cool and obviously very passionate and knowledgeable (he maintains that his Berkley education in Art History taught him "nothing" and everything he knows about art he learned from his father when he was young). Media Institutions is on, SURPRISE, different institutions in the media. It's probably my most boring course, but I'm hoping it gets better. It's just kind of tedious, and the professor loooooooooves to lecture. Sociology of Law meets Monday from 6-10pm, soooo it may be the class that kicks my ass. Pretty cool professor, and it's an upper-level sociology course. (For whatever reason, Sociology has limited layers: Intro to Sociology, "upper level courses," and Senior year courses.) So it has a huge workload, but I don't think the content is beyond my abilities. Plus it counts for the Legal Studies minor, if I pick that up.
I still have to go to the Dean's office to petition for a grade change in Intro to Media Studies (D+), but I think I'm going to make an attempt with the professor first.
As for extracurriculars, I think I've decided against being an RA. I just don't have the patience to babysit like that. Besides, I want to be able to go to shows.
I am playing water polo on a club team, which is pretty sweet. I missed the sport. I just didn't miss the conditioning haha We're looking into some tournaments in the near future, which is both terrifying and exciting. I am wayyyy out of shape for polo. It's sad.
Other than polo, I am trying to be regular about going to the gym and taking care of myself (which sounds like a dumb New Year's resolution, but I swear it's not.) I just don't have the energy to stay on top of everything if I don't. And yes, this does include less drinking and drugs. REALLY. If/when I drink, I stick to wine. :)
I also am trying to be better about studying. No one's perfect, but so far I haven't totally ignored assignments like I did last semester. Baby steps.
My school goal is just to make a legitimate effort. This, in terms of me, means actually doing (or scanning) assigned readings before they're discussed in class and not throwing papers together at the last minute.
I guess I just felt like my grades from last semester could have been a bit better. I mean, with that D+, I got a 2.6. And I did better than that in high school, when I wasn't showing up.
My non-school goal this semester is to branch out a bit. Start hanging out with people outside of my core group of friends.
So far, not so much. I've had lunch with a couple of people, but for whatever reason lately, I've been kind of a loner. Not so much depressed as just ... solo. The only person I really interact with on a daily basis is the boyfriend, and that's by phone (though I'd gladly interact with him in person).
I think it's stress from the new semester and the illness (kidney infection). And I got used to my home-life for six weeks, now I have to re-adjust to school life.
Anyway, today is the first real day of sunshine we've had since I got here, so I'm going to go do ANYTHING that involves being outside. haha