..."I'm barely hangin on"...

Jan 26, 2006 14:53

I know for a fact that I would completely be absolutely horrible to myself if it weren't for my two saviors on earth: my momma, and my platonic soul mate: sarah nicole lodwick.

I can truly, one hundred percent, from the bottom of my [broken]heart say that I literally have NO idea what would happen if I didn't have them.

You guys are my world, since one of the biggest pieces of my heart broke off and ran away to another, the one I thought was my world ripped me into little pieces.

SO, with that said,
I'm going to try my absolute hardest to concentrate on homework right now.. hopefully it will get things off of my mind and keep me sane, and hopefully keep me from throwing up.

I love you sarah nicole lodwick and jean ann flader, with everything that is left of me.

I've never been so hurt or broken or stunned in my entire life.
how dare you both.
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