A daughter in 2008, a wife here...the Doctor's building up quite the family lately!
With or without the soul of a TARDIS, Idris couldn't master catching peanuts in her mouth.
- OK, let's get the big fannish bit out first. Yep, this is the episode written by Neil Gaiman! This is actually the first time in a long time (if ever) I've seen Neil Himself really playing with someone else's toys. I know that he's done the likes of Marvel in 1602 and bits of the DC Universe in Sandman (and others), but in each case he's been set free and/or putting a new and different interpretation on it. This time, he had to write an episode of Doctor Who that was ultimately an episode of Doctor Who. And I think he did rather well with giving us a good story and good ideas. There's certainly Gaimanian edges through it. It's not hard to imagine the denizens of House fitting in in the Sandman world. And I doubt there are many other writers who could have pulled off the essential 'extracting the TARDIS' soul into a new body' premise. Seriously, I don't think you'd have seen that in a Christopher H Bidmead story.
- Speaking of that soul, what happened to Idris' own soul? The TARDIS seemed to overwrite her totally, which didn't bother her much. I guess when House calls...
- I've just thought of something with the Ponds and the 'let's avoid telling the Doctor about his future death' business. The older Doctor almost definitely knew what was happening, and said he'd been running from it for some time. So obviously at some point between 'now' and his age of 1100+, he learns about it. How can they say for sure they're not the cause of that?
- On the way to the Eye of Orion, can they stop somewhere Amy can pick up a new shirt? She's been wearing that red plaid one for months now.
- I have to admit, there were times I thought that Neil had originally written (or thought he was going to write for) just the one companion, but ended up with two.
- Even more of the TARDIS interior! I know people who will be even more happy than I am about that. I hoped/wondered for just the briefest time if the old console room Amy and Rory went to would be one of the Classic ones, but not to be. Still a little weird seeing them in the last one.
- Hey, what if they'd gone into the First or Second Doctor's control room and it had been in black and white? :) (This might be why I'm not allowed to direct television.)
- I'm going to assume that 'old Rory' and 'dead Rory' are illusions to screw around with Amy, and not the genuine article at all, so I'm not adding it to Rory's Death Count. Which by my reckoning sits at 4.
- There we go! Finally on-screen confirmation that a Time Lord can change gender and/or gender identity on regenerating. Thank you for settling over forty years of debate!
As ever, don't spoil ahead in the comments, please!