(no subject)

Dec 26, 2009 23:37

2009 has really just been a let down; I'm glad it went by as fast as it did. I'm thinking the reason for not posting since Mother's Day is because there's no use in posting on upsetting events. And because my internet activity has been consumed with twitter and facebook.

This Christmas was my second Christmas with Britain. I love that man so much. I'm thankful for finding someone who genuinely cares and stays by my side. Although I think he's disappointed in my decision of not getting "married" I know he understands my love for him. I don't think there's anyone else who can get the perfect gifts for me.

To keep this posting short for overall 2009:

To the friends I've lost and the ones I've gained. The new family that has opened their arms to me and my family that has shown me the skeletons. My father that has pushed me away and my new father who has given new perspective. Our dying economy and our growing unity. It's all for a reason. And if there's anything I've learned from it all it's tolerance is a necessity, love is a trust, and "assumptions are the tool of the ignorant."

Bring on 2010.
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