Warhammer and the Brdigeton News

Aug 31, 2007 15:40

So, in Drew news this past week, I've been engrossed in my new hobby. I've spent a fair amount of coin on it, though less than I would have if I had bought either a PSP and a few games or an XBOX 360 and a couple games, which was the original choice. I've ended up with 63 men and a Rhino transport, and am quite proud of their little gathering. Led by my Marshal (whom I have named Gezben) and their chaplain (whom I have named Jairgel) my 35 initiates, 15 neophytes, 5 sword brethren terminator assault squad members, and 5 jump pack assault initiates, together with the obligatory emperor's champion (whom I have named Borgest), my little 1802-1842 point army shall conquer all!

Or at the very least, put up a decent resistance as they are scattered to the winds. I teamed up with my friend Heffley (who plays the Blood Angels Space Marines chapter, as opposed to my Black Templars Space Marines chapter) to fight the Tau in the first of a 9-week tournament at Games Workshop, but the store closed, and it ended in a tie. Heffley's over sized incredible tank did very little, and ended up getting blown up, resulting in our tie, since we had been winning from the get-go, as the first shot in the game was my one-use hunter killer missile across the board at the enemy hover tank, destroying it and half the guys inside. And we would have won had we been given the chance for our next turn, since 35 guys took shots within charging range of 15 of mine, and only managed to kill two of them. My 13 would have slaughtered his, while Heffley's Librarian would have mopped up the remaining troops on the other end. It would have been beautiful, but I'll be damned if time didn't run out. Sigh. Next time, I'll get there earlier.

So tonight, for Friday Night Fights, guys come in and bet points that they're given (at the end of a few weeks the points can be traded for stuff) on 2-3 store sponsored battles, which I agreed to as long as Heffley was my opponent. Although I did do much more than him when we teamed up, I lack the ability to destroy his Land Raider Crusader...that, and I'm a noob, wheras Heffley is a 6 year vet. Everyone and their brother knows that this one's a freebie, and most people will probably end up doubling their points betting against me.

But it's a learning experience, right? Right...?

And in other news, now in the literal sense, Pops has engagued one of his snooty elitist neighbors in a battle of the Bridgton Press...both are writing guest Op-eds about a piece that the editor of the Bridgton News read on the Ayn Rand Institutes's web page, and decided to print. The neighbor wrote a piece of condemnation, outright lying about what the origional piece had said, and then making drasticaly horrible analogies to prove why Miss Rand's ideals are wrong...even though Miss Rand's ideals themselves were never brought up, and the neighbor even admitted that he had never read any of Rand's work. That's like trying to condemn the premise of Communism without having read any Karl Marx (Get through the manifesto yet, Sean?). Anyway, Pops submitted his retort this morning...which I honestly could have improved, if I didn't fall asleep last night. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it, especially since everyone Pops has talked to about his neighbor says that he'll never see it coming and won't let it slide without a fight.

Like father, like son.


For the emperor!
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