Jul 26, 2007 00:13
The Pokemon tournament ROCKED. We had a grand total of 6 qualified applicants, because we were the only GameStop out of the three in the block we occupy (and more, I'm told) that actaully bothered with a screening process to make sure no one cheated. All the other tournaments were lined up with level 100 shiney Darkrais (for those unfamiliar with the Pokeuniverse, Darkrai hasn't been released in America, and the chance of getting a shiney pokemon is one in 8653 or so)...basically, blatant cheating devices and such were used and nobody gave a fuck but my store, since it was me running it. And actually? The parents who were present when I their kids that they couldn't participate LAUGHED and used it as a lesson for them. Except one mom, whose kid was almost my age, who just heard "Oh, he can't do it?" and walked away. But what the hell ever, our 6 participants were damn well awesome. The winner was the one I predicted (shoot, -I- screened everybody) who amazingly had a Ho-oh, one of the few legendaries I haven't had the patience to get ever since I messed up the 100-step process a few years ago. And then I got a bunch of people's friendcodes, we all laughed and let them throw their own impromptu tourney after everyone else left, and best yet...my boss, who walked around all day repeating to himself "I hate tournaments" congratulated me on running the first tournament that didn't suck, and showed me how grateful he was for having an employee who "actually knew what the hell was going on and did it well" that he GAVE ME A FREE COPY of Pokemon Diamond, that he won in a contest. So, Sean, I don't need you so much anymore...(*coughbutIgotalegitspiritombandbreditforyoucough*)though I'm always willing to help, should your Pokemon spirit return to you.
As long as it's before the 29th of August, which is when I ship out.
Because damn, guys, I got the most awesome job ever in the Navy. I get to poke around with the Military internet! Cryptology Technician of Networks, baby! Only 600 of these guys in the entire military, a recent spot came open, and I was the first one who qualified for it. Extra screening has to be done on me (or I'd be sworn in right now) since I'll be getting TOP SECURITY CLEARANCE, and on top of that, I can go to law school in my free time. Night classes. Maybe it'll take 6 years instead of four to get a bachelor's degree, but I get PAID FOR MILITARY INTERNET services while learning about HISTORY AND LAW as a stinkin' HOBBY.
Did I mention that my recruiter is kind of bitter at me, since the job I got advances so quickly that I'll have caught up to him in rate (rank) in two years, and that my starting rate will be E-4 rather than the normal E-1 or what the E-2 I would have qualified as with my two years NJROTC? Yeah buddy. Can you say...LEAPFROGGING THE SEAMAN RATES AND GOING STRAIGHT TO PETTY OFFICER? Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I have a superiority complex and am secretly lording this over all of you who do not also have or will soon have TOP SECURITY CLEARANCE in the United States Armed Forces.