I may have written about this before, but anyone who hasn't tried QUORN (a meat free myco-protein food) please do so! Go to www.quorn.us to find the store nearest you! And believe me, if there is a store in Farmington, ME that sells QUORN (which there is!) there is deff one in your town, unless you live in like Aroostook County (The County) or something. haha (funny only to Maine people). I was watching the news last week, and they said that there was a snow mobiling accident in "Township 17; Range 4" Aroostook county... So you know you're in the middle of no where, when people are too lazy to give towns NAMES! hahahaha! I mean come on, make up a name or something, it's not THAT hard! Plus if you name a town after a name brand or something you can get advertising money! If I had to name a town after a company, I would name it "The Township of A&P", and if I had to name a really SKANKY town after a store, I would call it, "The town of Wal*Mart" haha aka Franklin Bourough, NJ "Skanklin". I've never seen more people with out teeth than the time I went into the Franklin Wal*Mart... Never again.
So to take us off the grotesque subject of Wal*Mart, I have my first radio show with Amanda today!! Our Show is called "One Golden Tree". A combination of One Tree Hill, and the Golden Girls. Anyway our show is from 4:00-6:00PM and we are going to have a jive'n time!! It's going to rock so much you won't even know what hit you! If you don't live in Farmington, ME or the Greater Farmington area, you can still listen to our show at
http://wumf.umf.maine.edu/listen.shtml just click (about half way down the page) the link that says "listen off campus" and it should open up in i-tunes or media-player. Also, if the DJ computer is working, you can IM Amanda and Me at WUMFDJ on AIM for requests and feedback!
So my friggen DVD didn't come yet. I thought ordering it from best buy for 16 dollars instead of Amazon for 20 dollars was smart, but evidentally Best Buy takes forever to ship out their crap. It's been like 8 days since I ordered the friggen thing! I'm missing A&P more than ever, so the DVD should help releive me a little. Haha, as Andrea knows, Sometimes I have these sudden urges where I have to look at an A&P logo in order to feel better. They just sneek up out of no where!
haha, Last night around 9:00PM I went down to A^2 to play Mancala! The coolest African board game with beads ever, and Andrea and I couldn't stop playing. It was addictive! Then Amanda taught us the real rules, and it was wicked cooler haha! Thanks Amanda! Then Amanda cracked open a jar of Shaw's Dry Roasted Postachios and we were eating them... THEN the next thing I know Amanda screamed! There was a LARVAE in her Postachio! EWWW!!! haha, I was like, "GET ON THE COMPUTER! WE HAVE TO WRITE A COMPLAINT LETTER TO SHAW'S!!" haha so Andrea took a picture of me holding it in my hand for proof! And then I helped Amanda write the complaint letter. I hope they get back to her soon and they better give her, her money back! Oh yeah, so after that, we played Mancala more and more, then Brian stopped over, and then Andrea bought a broken printer from some chick down the hall, and I tried to help her fix it, but we couldn't figure it out. Then some girl stopped by who I have talked to several times, and said "Hi, I've never seen you before, do you live here?" and I said, "yes" and she said, "oh that's weird I never met you before" but I have spoken to her like 10 times and even ate lunch with her a couple of times, hahaha. So then I went over to Brian's room where we played Mancala and I beet him like twice and he beet me like 35 times, haha. And then Andrea stopped by and we played winners back and forth, then we just had some very interesting conversation, lol and I told them about the party I had at my house over the summer (some people reading this, may not even know about it!) haha, but yeah it was good times. Next thing we knew it was 3 AM, and so I left and I went to sleep, only to wake up at 7:40 am today to go to two morning classes. Then I slept until 12:30 pm or so, and now I'm getting ready to host our radio show.
Wish me luck! And try to listen!
DJ V to the inay