Jun 07, 2005 08:12
Those people getting a ride / need a ride to be worked out for them to all hands on deck please confirm a seat here.
Now by getting a ride in my car you accept the fact that if you do any form of illegal drug while there and i catch you (And I will do a field sobriety test before leaving) i will leave your ass there. Do not test me on that. So there are five seats in the car (I might be able to fit 6 if people feel like jamming up in back). Two seats are taken by myself and someone I've talked to who doesn't have a live journal. If i've told you that you are getting a ride from me you still do have a ride, just confirm it here please so that i have everything worked out.
I will also repeat my drug policy the day of before we leave. And do not think i won't leave your high ass there if i catch you. That tis all