Oct 06, 2003 23:55
my master keeps fucking yelling at me for the smallest shit. he's so fake, he was super nice to me for the first three months of training but ever since he realized i'm really dedicated and want to compete he thinks he can keep riding my ass and i won't care. one of my friends who worked at the dojo quit cuz my master kept yelling at him, the dude was the nicest guy i've ever met too. janet hates him too but he can't say anything cuz she's a new student who's not really looking to compete. he gets all testy cuz i'm bad with jiujitsu and kali forms, he never had any problem with me during boxing and kickboxing stuff cuz i was a natural, i dunno, i'm just fucking mad that he was being rude to me when i dazed off a little while he was trying to show me something, i was fucking tired, i was training all day almost. some things are just beyond my control and he should just fucking accept that. i used to look up to and respect the man too, it's going to take a lot for me to respect him again. unless beto explains to me wtf is going out at the dojo lately, all this office politics going on lately, i'm not gonna forgive my master unless beto gives me a really good reason why all this shit has been happening. i wish i could just learn only from beto, he's really nice and patient, unless he's fake too, you never know. well, i've gotta calm down, this entry has been pretty much uncalled for, i just need to vent.k, trying to forget about stuff so let's do this, i stole this from joe, thanks buddy.
First best friend: masahiro nani-nani, haha, i forget.
First real memory of something: me riding my tricycle in my old house with my mom feeding me.
First real kiss: 8th grade girlfriend.
First Job: selling noodles.
First screen name: aznlotusx
First self: Vince Banh, didn't realize yet that my last name was translated in vietnamese instead of chinese, so it's Pan now everybody.
First pets: a white mouse named marshmallow, some goldfish i never named, a cockatiel named tweefurk, a bunch of turtles i never named, a parrot named puffy, my favorite bird a cockatiel named boco, i loved that guy, he used to walk around the house by himself, i taught him that too bad lai ate him. shriek the parrot and the one i love the most, lai-dawg, too bad he became favorite cuz he ate my favorite and he was next in line. god, i love him so much but i really hate him for eating that damn bird.
First piercing/tattoo: left ear
First credit card: visa.
First enemy: i dunno which of them came first, but believe you me, the list is long, lotsa people don't like me.
First big trip: las vegas, who knew this would be a monthly tradition at one point in my life, ugh.
First play/musical/performance: some Christmas play in first grade
First musician you remember hearing in your house: zhuo yi ting
Last cigarette: 12 days ago, i've really quit this time
Last big car ride: san diego maybe? a few weeks ago.
Last kiss: 5:00 today.
Last good cry: chinese new year for no apparent reason.
Last library book checked out: dunno
Last movie seen: poolhall junkies, that's a badass movie.
Last beverage drank: hansen's mango pineapple smoothie
Last food consumed: rice with siu mai.
Last crush: i won't say out of pure embarassment at how pathetic i am.
Last phone call made: to sweetie but she didn't pick up.
Last TV show watched: dexter's laboratory
Last time showered: This morning.
Last shoes worn: kswiss classics
Last CD played: nick tse- "you wouldn't understand"
Last item bought: chili dog and fries
Last annoyance: my fucking master
Last soda drank: sunkist
Last ice cream eaten: strawberry shortcake a few days ago at the gas station
Last shirt worn: a wifebeater.
Last website visited: xanga reading other people's blogs.