Intentando revivir esto... un meme para pasar el rato. Libre de hacerlo quien quiera, y que se lo reparta de la manera que quiera XD
La idea es que respondáis de esta manera: Título de canción [Artista] + Link a Youtube
Por ejemplo: X-A song that makes you say LOL and WOW: Love Letter [Buck-Tick] 1-A song that makes you happy:
2-A song that is really old:
3-A song that makes you sad:
4-A song that turns you on:
5-A song that calms you down:
6-A song that turns you into fire:
7-A song that makes you feel cold:
8-A song you can laugh to:
9-A song you can cry to:
10-A song that puts you into good feelings:
11-A song that makes you feel rotten:
12-A song that makes you feel stoned/drugged:
13-A song that makes you want to work:
14-A song that will get you sleepy:
15-A song that is really really weird to you:
16-A song that seems like a joke:
17-A song you would listen while hanging with friends:
18-A song you would definitely listen alone:
19-A song about love:
20-A song about hate:
21-A song that is scary:
22-A song that sticks to your head:
23-A song that you would love to listen live:
24-A song that makes you dance:
25-A song about fight:
26-A song that reminds you past times:
27-A song that makes you think in the future:
28-A song to think about new things:
29-A song about goodbye:
30-Your favourite song of the moment: