Sep 16, 2008 16:01
I finished Cloud Atlas today thanks to my fairly spacious schedule (I end up at school for about 7 hours a day, but only have class for 3 or 4 of those hours), and it was fucking fantastic. If you haven't read it you should, and if you have and didn't like it, you're wrong.
Classes are going well so far, although political science would be more interesting with less apathetic vaguely liberal classmates and more impassioned and varied discussion. But I guess I'll have to live with being the only one to voice any dissent. Also, the teacher is quite possibly the single most biased human being I've ever met. Granted, he's biased *against* most things I am also against, but it's no less obnoxious.
Logic continues to be nothing more than simple logical arguments I could be doing in my sleep, but at least I get the entertainment of which smoke come out of people's ears as they try to puzzle through this stuff.
Asian history is interesting, although much less so than it would be with a better, less Powerpoint-reliant teacher.
Japanese is still my favorite class by far, by combining the most talkative and enjoyable people with a constant stream of new information. Unlike just about anything else I could study, language pretty much guarantees I'm learning something new every day, even if it's only something as simple as how to ask someone's name.
I'll be coming out post-Xmas for two weeks to visit, so for any of you that I might visit, we'll have to figure something out.