Nov 12, 2009 17:54
Them Crooked Vultures is what would happen if the minds behind Queens of the Stone Age got John Paul Jones to do keyboard and bass work for them, and released another album. Which is to say that it is an absolutely amazing album (thus far, I've not finished it yet) and everyone who ever loved great music should go out and get this album.
New Fang is, thus far, the most Led Zeppelin-ish of the jams, which isn't to say that the other tracks I've heard don't have a touch of the Led in them as well.
I am going to take a moment to mention today's work period: it was not the most enjoyable of experiences, but then again when is it, really? I'm still on the Hunt, ladies and gents, for more gainful employment.
In six days, my wife and I will take up residence at our new home. I'm kind of excited about that.