Oct 30, 2009 19:23
What do you got for me? Foo Fighters? That's pretty cool; I forgot I even had them on my computer. You keep on going, shuffle function; I'ma write something real quick here to affirm my ability to stick to a daily routine of some sort, even though I totally missed two days in the past week. That is all right, though, because I was doing work, and work is more important right now than updating a silly Livejournal that nobody really reads. Certainly I would prefer to be writing much more entertaining, stimulating, and interesting things somewhere else, but my attentions are very much focused on The Thesis (which is so close to being revised I can taste it. It tastes like delicious bacon, for those interested) at the moment, and so I must soldier on.
Oh fucking balls, NaNoWriMo starts on Sunday, doesn't it? There is just not enough time in my life, I tell you what. Not Enough TIIIIME.
All right, I'm going back to that whole thesis thing, because I am getting antsy about finishing it and honestly when does that ever happen to me?