I Do. I Do, Damn It All!

Oct 13, 2009 18:50

I give a fuck about an Oxford comma, Vampire Weekend!

I cannot help what I am, which is to say a spectacular English major with a Master's degree in the study of Things Medieval on the horizon who apparently has no marketable skills beyond "Has a Pulse, Is Tall, Can Lift Heavy Objects," if the job I'm working at is any indication at all of what people think of when they see my resume, where, I'm certain, no mention of my height is listed. People just seem to know.

But what can I do? The job market is shit, and I need money now. I cannot wait for the job market to fix itself, in part because I do not qualify for Unemployment Benefits. So I'll continue to work at the grocery store (can you spell RESUME BUILDER? Here's a hint: it's not spelled "Grocery Store Employee") and hope and pray that I some day get a job that is anywhere near what I want to be doing with my life.

Okay, so that's all a bit depressing. It's not a bad job, what I have, and it does pay money. I'm not going insane or anything, it's not overly stressful, and I get two days off every week. It's just not anything that I would have needed to go to college to do, and once I start paying off those student loans, I'd like to be doing it with money earned at least in part with my degree. Otherwise I might feel cranky about it. Hell, I'm almost feeling cranky about it now, just thinking about it.
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