Apr 29, 2003 01:07
Today I got up and one of my friends came over to visit me. She left and I cleaned the house today with my sister..it was actually VERY VERY easy, but I guess it's because there were TWO of us. Then I waited for Steven and Henry to come over so we can go pick up our friend Ernest. I don't know if i mentioned it, but on saturday and Sunday the four of us are in a basketball tournament called "Round-ball Rukus"...I've played with Ernest before...we played in a tournament my freshman year. It was called "Hoopin' kids" but they stopped that one b/c they didn't make much money. Man I haven't play ball with him in a LOOOOOONG time. Well we went to Millers Pond, and played there for about 3 hours, then we left and came back to my house to eat, cuz my mom cooked dinner. After we dropped off Ernest we went to some Elementary school and played ball again...Then we left and I came home. OMFG I talked to Priscilla today. I was so happy...she instant messaged me, When I saw her box my heart dropped.. but we didn't talk long..I was kind of busy. Man it's funny how EVERY girl in the United States and surrounding countries are AGAINST me!! I really don't understand..but I guess my time will come. Oh and then my friend called me and she visited me for a bit..she only lives down the street. Just about 2 streets over. We played video games ( NOT very many females like Video games, so she has EXTRA points)..Well mostly thats what happen. So I guess if anything happens within the next couple of hours I'll update my j-j-j-j-ournal (still getting used to saying that girly word) LMFAO ..ok well I'm off like a dress at prom. i miss having a boyfriend. someone help me please