Feb 08, 2004 20:41
Well I just got back from a great time at my church! It was fun we got to watch a pretty good movie and a man that goes to that church supplied us all with pizza and drink. Thanks again man! The movie was pretty good, about abunch of friends that get together and have a roadtrip to one of thems Uncles place, it was predictable but fun none the less. Wow I just had a really good conversation with Travis... I'm going to put it in here...
oOSifridOo: sup man
Va malprac: whats up
oOSifridOo: just got back from a little church gathering
Va malprac: cool
oOSifridOo: it was fun we watched a movie and ate pizza and had drink and stuff it was cool... and i got Steven to go yea!
Va malprac: cool
oOSifridOo: yeah it should be good for him
oOSifridOo: so whats goin on?
Va malprac: nothin much
oOSifridOo: thats cool... yeah my weekends been sorta boring, but at least thats not bad lol... i beat Armored Core 2 and i'm going to get the book Hells Gate (its about when the 300 Greeks fought the 1,000,000 Persians, should be a good read)
oOSifridOo: so how bout yours?
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: i have read about that battle before
oOSifridOo: cool
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: i studied greek mythology and greek history for a while
oOSifridOo: (oh matts ordering The Romance of the Three Kingdoms from California through our library lol)
Va malprac: um ok
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: so hows your weekend been lol (or was that the answer heh)
Va malprac: oh my weekend it was cool
Va malprac: got to hang out with paul some more
oOSifridOo: thats good to hear
Va malprac: and just messin around
oOSifridOo: yeah i tried to get you guys over ... did Paul tell you?
Va malprac: yea
oOSifridOo: ok
oOSifridOo: yeah... hopefully one of these days :{
Va malprac: yea
oOSifridOo: lol i started a livejournal thingy, mainly because of what Sarah told me lol
Va malprac: what did she tell you?
oOSifridOo: i told her that my greatest fear was losing my memory or my mind, so she was like... well right a journal, and i was like, hmm good point, too bad my handwriting sucks lol, so yeah she told me to start one of those things so i did.. only Ginya and Sarah read it but its more for me than anyone else lol
Va malprac: have you seen butterfly effect?
oOSifridOo: i've seen the previews for it
Va malprac: yea well you should see it cuz that movie is all about your fear there
Va malprac: exactly
oOSifridOo: really?
Va malprac: well kinda in a crazy scary demented way
Va malprac: lol
Va malprac: yea
oOSifridOo: yeah i figured lol
oOSifridOo: i saw it and was like... yeeeaaahhh lol
oOSifridOo: oh yeah i got 1st lunch both days
Va malprac: cool
oOSifridOo: yep
oOSifridOo: lol you doing the record of music thing?
oOSifridOo: i don't have a tape recorder so i'm going to use Dees lol
Va malprac: lmao ha no
oOSifridOo: hahaha
oOSifridOo: yeah no one i know is doing it lol
Va malprac: yea i need batteries and um my trumpet and well my music yea
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: lol
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: i dunno
Va malprac: im tired of carin though
oOSifridOo: i need to practice though cause Diana wants 1st part to Dominon so me her and Shawn have to play it for Mr. Dee i think tommrow crap >.<
oOSifridOo: yeah
oOSifridOo: 'Seinoritis'
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: yeah but hey... if i lose it at least i get to sit closer to you guys lol :-D
Va malprac: lol yea
Va malprac: i have been third part now for a while
Va malprac: my whole highschool career
oOSifridOo: heck yeah Steven is going to be able to drive this summer! YEAAH
oOSifridOo: road trip baby yeahh lol
oOSifridOo: more like finnaly someone can drive lol
Va malprac: yea i can get my lisence anytime i take behind the wheel but um i just havent paid yet lol
oOSifridOo: lol >.<
oOSifridOo: but soon... yes very soon... we shall have the power of the Behemoth!
Va malprac: huh?
oOSifridOo: his like 14 seater van lol
Va malprac: oh ok
Va malprac: cool
oOSifridOo: i called it that one time cause you can hear it before you can see it lol
Va malprac: yea but my car is mafia black with valour seats and and its old
oOSifridOo: valour lol >.<
oOSifridOo: did you fix it yet?
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: its painted now
Va malprac: lookin pimp
oOSifridOo: painted what color?
Va malprac: and my new hubcaps will be in the mail soon
oOSifridOo: thats cool man lol
Va malprac: black
oOSifridOo: what kind?
oOSifridOo: ah lol i need to see it
Va malprac: youll see lol
oOSifridOo: ok thats awesome
oOSifridOo: oh
oOSifridOo: another reason why i started the journal was so i stoped typing so much lol
oOSifridOo: its workingish heheh... i've also decided to start a story
oOSifridOo: like... with my journal (i've been meaning to write it but i never found the time)
Va malprac: cool
Va malprac: yea i never had time for one either thats why i never started
oOSifridOo: lol
Va malprac: i mean i have tried handwritting em too
Va malprac: so far i have started 4
oOSifridOo: you should try and write one hthough
Va malprac: and they all last about a month
oOSifridOo: cool... could i see sum of um mabye?
Va malprac: nah man all the cool stuff that happened in my life has already happened
oOSifridOo: oh so these are stories about you?
Va malprac: stories, what do you mean?
oOSifridOo: the things you've wrote?
Va malprac: if something important happens in my life i remember yea, thats what i wrote, but like just a normal day is futile to me, lol, besides living you know
Va malprac: but what happens during a normal day is gay
oOSifridOo: yeah lol
oOSifridOo: hince why i try to spice my life up whenever i can
oOSifridOo: like i take walks all the time
oOSifridOo: you never know when something intresting might happen
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: i like walking
oOSifridOo: me and Steven vowed to take a road trip with the guys once he gets his van
Va malprac: cool
oOSifridOo: yep yep
oOSifridOo: he asked me today if i feared death..
oOSifridOo: and i told him that i didn't
Va malprac: id rather go on another sailing adventure for 35 days like i did before
oOSifridOo: and he said not even just a little?
oOSifridOo: and i was like the only thing i fear is Hell
Va malprac: yea come on a sailing venture with me and ill show you hell
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: ... that'd be cool as crap... to bad alot of us don't know how to sail
oOSifridOo: hahhaa
Va malprac: lol yea
oOSifridOo: thats one thing i'd like to learn though
Va malprac: yea i love it man
Va malprac: nothin better
oOSifridOo: thats like... ONE thing my dad dosn't know how to do lol
oOSifridOo: really? you got a boat?
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: i lived on a sailboat for 5 years
oOSifridOo: how many people?
oOSifridOo: yeah i know
Va malprac: how many people what?
oOSifridOo: could it fit
Va malprac: well me, my dad, my cousin, my uncle and my great uncle
Va malprac: yea just about 5 maybe 6
oOSifridOo: cool
oOSifridOo: you think some of us could go fishing on it someday?
Va malprac: whenever me and my dad can get it sea worthy again
oOSifridOo: cause i was just talking about how we need to go fishing man... i haven't been for a long time... used to go out and fish all night man... awesomeness
Va malprac: its kinda old and fallin apart
oOSifridOo: thats cool
oOSifridOo: hey... mabye we could all help fix it?
Va malprac: we need to find out whats wrong with it first lol
oOSifridOo: ah lol
Va malprac: yea like the woodwork is rotting and it needs new rope and just a bunch of crap that only my dad knows how to fix, and with school there really isnt much time to work on it
oOSifridOo: true true but summer is coming :-)
Va malprac: yea
oOSifridOo: man i'm in a happy mood and i really don't have anything to be happy about lol..
Va malprac: yea im a weird mood myself
oOSifridOo: like happy weird or just weird weird
Va malprac: weird weird
oOSifridOo: really? do you know why
Va malprac: nope
Va malprac: thats whats weird
oOSifridOo: yeah
oOSifridOo: a negitive weird or a weird positive weird? lol
Va malprac: kinda bad
oOSifridOo: ah...
oOSifridOo: man... i remember that
Va malprac: ?
oOSifridOo: feeling i guess you could call it
oOSifridOo: i did figure it out eventually, i guess i sorta knew what it was all along, just didn't want to sorta see it ya know?
oOSifridOo: well i hope you figure it out
Va malprac: yea
Va malprac: thanks
oOSifridOo: no problem
oOSifridOo: oh man its great, in my thread i asked people what good books theyve read so i got a huge list of books to read lol
Va malprac: cool
oOSifridOo: ahh... Caitlins on :-) *more happyness lol*
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: wow
oOSifridOo: have you ever thought about how one persons life affects your own? just one persons?
Va malprac: yea
oOSifridOo: its crazy to think of
oOSifridOo: had i sent you that quote that Caitlin made up?
Va malprac: i dunno'
Va malprac: guess now
Va malprac: not*
oOSifridOo: people come and they go people stay but still in a way the seem to go people our age need to stop fighting and creating so much shit you have your whole lives ahead of you to do that people are more delicate than they seem to be cherish life for all its worth live life to its fullest you can't be with the same person for the rest of your life experience new people while your young then maybe you'll realize that the person that you were with for so long may not be the one for you because there maybe someone out there somewhere that you will discover that is better for you than anyone else you have to take chances b/c if you dont you'll be living the rest of yuo life wondering what it may have been like if you'd taken that chance By: Caitlin Lewis
Va malprac: ah
oOSifridOo: yeah i think i've been in a lethargic state a little too much myself
Va malprac: true but yet even if you take chances you would still wonder what if i would have taken more, or less, that thought will occur naturally will it not?
oOSifridOo: exactly what i was thinking lol
oOSifridOo: in my respons to Ginyas journal entry i said that lol
Va malprac: i just go with the flow, the best advice anyone can follow
oOSifridOo: heck yeah
oOSifridOo: do what you feel
Va malprac: if it happens it happens if it dont, .... it wasnt meant to happen
oOSifridOo: exactly!
Va malprac: do whatever you have to do to stay happy
Va malprac: thats all you need
oOSifridOo: but i think you still can't help wondering about stuff
oOSifridOo: yeah....
oOSifridOo: for real...
Va malprac: thats human nature
Va malprac: we were givin that power, that will but god and its there just to mess us up more
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: lol
oOSifridOo: yeah some people belive in predestination and don't
oOSifridOo: i mayself... have my own theory
Va malprac: ok here is my life prophecy thing : dont start drama, dont get involved with drama, go with the flow and do whatever you have to do to be happy, why care about anything else your happy, then your happy, there is nothing more than that to acheive
oOSifridOo: that there are two roads with wich your life can take, and you can interchanges these road to a point as in can always go to one or the other, its good and evil, but aside from that you have your own destiny and you never know when your life on Earth could end, ergo always be a good person
oOSifridOo: lol to bad drama happens, hince we want girls, girls are drama, therefore we want drama lol
Va malprac: no we want pussy, drama comes with the whole package,
Va malprac: never foget that
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: lol
oOSifridOo: hahah
Va malprac: dont give that we want love crap, buy a dog
Va malprac: :-P
oOSifridOo: actually i don't want pussy, i want a good person i can talk to and share good times with, seriously
oOSifridOo: but i doubt i can find that person in high school
oOSifridOo: thats why i'm just having fun now
oOSifridOo: (come to think of it i never have philosophical conversations with woman? i wonder why? lol)
Va malprac: yea i know i was just kidding anyway, i do want someone that i could sit there and not say a damned thing but when i get up to leave i know that we just had the best conversation of a lifetime you know what i mean
oOSifridOo: yeah i figured lol >.<
oOSifridOo: yeah..
Va malprac: im not much for conversation when it comes down to it
Va malprac: but im really good at sitting and thinkin
Va malprac: lol
oOSifridOo: hell yes
Va malprac: now if you will excuse me
oOSifridOo: but i do love conversation personally, i always talk lol.. its funny how people think i'm quite lol
Va malprac: nature calls
oOSifridOo: by all means
Va malprac: and she is sayin i have to piss
oOSifridOo: (have you ever thought that portopottys are the stupidist invention ever? i mean to put a bathroom out in the middle of nowhere... lol when you can just go on a bush or on a tree lol >.<)
Va malprac: yea but i mean just think how much one stupid guy made off of those damn stash-a-crappers
oOSifridOo: hahahaha!!
oOSifridOo: man i think its church
Va malprac: huh
oOSifridOo: that why i'm in such a good mood
Va malprac: oh
oOSifridOo: i don't know man lol
oOSifridOo: i think i'm going to go there more often lol
Va malprac: lol
Va malprac: you do that
oOSifridOo: yeah lol
oOSifridOo: i think i may put this con i my journal... its been a good conversation
Va malprac: lol alright
So thats really cool, but really... have you ever thought of how one persons life effects yours? Its strange and crazy to think about. I really can't even imagain. Ahh I'm in such a good mood and I think its church lol. I think I'll head down there more than usuall. Sorry for all the random thoughts lol but its my journal, that it is. But hey, Stevens one of my best friends, a few weeks after meeting him for the first time, we were talking and he asked me who would win in a deathmatch between him and me. So I said you'd probably win but I'd put up a damn good fight. Then he said that I would because he couldn't kill me... that really suprised me. Yep a really good friend. (well I did one of those leave the computer thing again) I just watched Pearl Harbor on Tv... pretty darn good... it doesn't tell you alot in 4 hours, I was sorta left, wanting more?, I guess thats why theres Band of Brothers lol. Okay well I decided to practice my trumpet... yeah it was like 12:00 am lol... it's now 1:41 am wow school is going to suck tommorow lol >.< ah well I was reading my friend Billys journal thing and commenting on things there lol. Well I guess I should get some sleep, or whatever may resemble it lol. Ok goodnight journal thing. (i was going to write more but... lol that got shot to hell by the time lol)