
Dec 25, 2007 04:48

I havent posted anything in livejournal for quite a while and I'll admit I actually forgot I even had one running for the longest time. until recently I really didn't see things as clearly as I thought I did. There are somethings in life that are just out of your control, and I never truly realized that. I've forgotten who I am, no better yet I've abandoned who I am and taken on this pseudo personality in order to hide how I feel about certain things and become this "popular guy" whom to be honest I dont even like. I've gone to more parties, made an outstanding amount of new friends (whom I cant even call friends) and become someone you want to have around. I've sold my soul, in an attempt to keep up with the ex. I'm not going to lie, I've tried to make myself into someone you would regret losing, I've turned women into mountains I need to climb, I've turned friends into cell phone numbers, and I've turned parties into my own personal success goals. so after 2 months of being out till 3 in the morning I still have nothing to show for it except promoting my very name. so sure, a bunch of strangers know who I am and I'm "popular"... but you know me best. and I hate you for it.
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