Slip and Slide

Feb 13, 2012 23:17

I almost did the splits today in fencing. I went into a deep lunge, my front foot slipped, and, yeah, ouch. But I got the point in. Yeah!

That test in my algebra class is pushed to Friday. I though we were going to have it today, but nope. So that's cool. But it's going to screw up the testing schedule; we're supposed to have another test on this Friday. Who knows.

My friend is coming over on Sunday! I know it's a while away, but I'm already pumped for it. Today we were in class, I heard a distinctive *click*, I looked over, and he's playing with a Zippo lighter. He said he forgot he had it with him. :p

Rereading(the 4th time) 'Megatokyo'. Love that series.

life, manga

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