Saturday morning came far, far too early, as I had to wake up at 7 to go the last poker run meeting before the run with mum and Traivs; 7 may not seem that bad to some, but when you've been going to bed at 5... Despite the ungodly early hour, I was reasonably not grumpy (I think the bottle of bawls helped), and after the meeting mum, Travis, and I went out to brekkie. Other errands were also done on the way, such as mailing off mum & Travis's wedding invites - it's official now, no backing out for them, hehe. After food mum dropped me off at thrift world where I met up with Nathan, and we went shopping for our costumes (there's an ineat costume party coming up a few weeks, which is somewhat Sandman themed; Nathan is going as Wanda from
A Game of You, and I'm going as the personification of chaos from
Seasons of Mists). Nathan and I both found dresses, then went to the fabric store so I could get a few extra things I needed for the costumes I was making. Mum picked me up back at thrift world. I pretty much crashed soon after I got home - slept from 6 to midnight, was up for 4 hours, debated switching to a
6 day a week sleep cycle, but decided against it.
Sunday I didn't do much. It was actually sunny out so mum and I weeded in the front yard and my garden for a while - I got a good part of one of the beds clear. I was invited to move down to Eugene with some of the ineaters, as Locke will be going to school there over the summer; it's kinda tempting, but at the same time it'd mean getting a real job, and officially giving up on my garden ever working out, and giving up the nice free room and board thing I have going on. Went grocery shopping with mum in the afternoon. I had a long phone call in the evening, which I didn't want to have, and am still somewhat upset over.
Today I got my last order from ebay, and holy shit, they went overboard with packaging; there was a chocolate in it, and a free pen, and a hand-written thankyou note for my business, and the actual beads were in a lil box with a big violet ribbon tied around it... I couldn't resist, I had to buy more from the seller (well, and the turtle beads, while cute, weren't green, and I saw they did have some green ones for sale... I worked on my quilt for a while, but ran out of fabric for the background of the design, so will have to go to the fabric store soon.