If things go as per plan, I will be making my second trip to the US next week. The first one happened exactly a year ago (well almost around the same time, if not exactly). Unlike the last trip, this one is going to be short and busy. I expect plenty of traveling to happen during my two week stay, including a coast to coast trip from New York to California and visits to Austin, Dallas and Chicago. So, it's not exactly a "stay". I think I'll be spending more time in airports, airplanes and rental cars than in hotel rooms. Looking forward to accumulating lots of mileage points though ;-)
Santosh (a close friend from REC) is graduating next Saturday. I am planning to attend his convocation and spend some time with his family in Dallas. We met exactly a year ago when he drove down to Austin and accompanied me on a very exciting trip to San Antonio. The highlight of that trip was a PJ that Santosh cracked only to find me asleep half way through his joke. Let's see if his jokes have got any funnier this time around.
In other news, I turned 26 last Monday. Thanks to all those who called, missed-call'ed, e-mailed, sms'ed, scrap'ed, wall'ed, twitter'ed, skyped, and IM'ed. Also, thanks to those who forgot my birthday but woke up soon enough to call, missed-call, e-mail, sms, scrap, wall, twitter, skype and IM. Finally, thanks to all those who are going to call, missed-call, e-mail, sms, scrap, wall, twitter, skype, IM after reading this post.
The birthday celebration included a small surprise party thrown by guys at work. The cake was amazing, but once everyone had eaten it, the party turned hostile with my butt being the target of all hostilities planned against me! I got kicked real hard by a group of 6 men who seemed desperate to show off their shoes (and express their displeasure for all the tantrums I had thrown and all the nasty words I had unknowingly directed at them over the past one year ). So expressive were they in conveying their minds that they decided to kick me twice - once when I walked into my office in the morning and then again in the evening during the party. To all those shoe manufacturers who make Woodlands-style combat-ready nuke-proof toe-crushing shoes, here I come with a rifle pointing to your heads and a butt that refuses to stop complaining of pain! My grandmom however believes that it's not the shoes that made those kicks feel so nasty, but rather the fact that my birthday fell close to a
solar eclipse.
Hope to write again from the flip side.