Apr 03, 2006 22:55
If you have not noticed, there hasn't been a Violence update in a while.
this was for two reasons. One, I hit a writer's block in the story and two, I got bored with the story. I enjoyed writing it, but it was too simple of a story and a little bit too mindless. It was like reading a comic book and it may be more suitable for a comic. I will try and finish it one day, but until I have moved on to bigger things.
I started writing a new story today, and I am in a really happy place because of it. I am already seven pages into it! I won't be posting any of this story on live journal (not that anyone really cares or would read it) and I probably won't be posting any more violence.
If my plans work out right, I'll start getting books published one day. And maybe Violence will be finished. If it does, I will dedicate the book to all of you who have read it as I posted, or let me use your names in the story. And I will thank all of you by name in the dedication page, because what are we as people without our friends. And you guys have been some of the best friends.
I still wish for every body's support in my endeavors and hope that one day if I make it as a writer, you will read my books.
Thank you everyone for being there and know that all my characters have characteristics taken from each and every one of you.