Kyumin Couple's Series

Apr 17, 2011 01:55

Title: It will feel good
Pairing: Kyumin
Rating/Genre: G/Fluff
Summary: “It’s not my fault, Min. Cars love me. I don’t know how to erase this pheromone.” “Pheromone my ass.”
Beta: BENNY!! <33

take one; take two; take three; take four

Take Five: It Will Feel Good

this picture is not mine

“Why can’t you be safe? Please be careful. I don’t like it when I heard the news you were having an accident.”

“It’s not my fault, Min. Cars love me. I don’t know how to erase this pheromone.”

“Pheromone my ass.”

“I’m having bruises and scratches here and all you did is scolding me when I’m not even the one at fault.” Kyuhyun tsk-ed and slumped his body on his bed. Sungmin felt a bit guilty and approached the magnae.

“I’m sorry, Kyunnie. But I was so worried about your safety.” He joined Kyuhyun on the bed and snuggled closer to him. “You don’t know how scared I am when Teukkie hyung told me the news.”

Kyuhyun hugged him and kissed his forehead. “I’m still here.” He comforted his lover.

Sungmin traced his hand under Kyuhyun’s shirt and touch his scar from first car accident. “I’m scared it would happen again,” he whispered. Kyuhyun love the way Sungmin fingers traced his scar. It turned him on.

“I can’t promise it won’t happen again, but I will promise to be careful. Still, the last accident wasn’t my fault.”

Sungmin giggled and kissed Kyuhyun’s Adam apple. “Okay,” he yawned.

“Don’t sleep yet. Not after what you did to me.”

“What did I do?”

Kyuhyun nudge his hard on against Sungmin thigh, “You did it on purpose aren’t you? You knew I love it when you touch my scar.”

“No, I didn’t do it on purpose,” Sungmin gasped, “If I planned it, I would have licked it, not touch it with my fingers.”

“Why don’t you lick it?”

“You want me to lick it?”


But when Sungmin went towards his stomach, Kyuhyun stopped him. He knew when Sungmin touches his scar he would shiver in pleasure. He had new scar now. He lifted up his hand and put it in front of Sungmin face, gesturing him to his new scar.

Sungmin got confused and didn’t approve it. “It will hurt, Kyunnie.”

“No, it will feel good.” So Sungmin just bent forwards and kissed his scratches and licked it.

Well, it didn’t go well as Kyuhyun’s planned.

“Aw! It hurts!” And he pushed his boyfriend, the love of his life, his other half, until he fell off the bed with a loud ‘thump’.

take six
- another drabble of this series because i'm just too lazy to write something long. =3=
- and I don’t have crazy silly fetisher!! D:

series: kyumin couple series, genre: fluff, rating: g, pairing: kyumin

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