dissapointed?hurt?it makes me confuse

Nov 10, 2010 11:27

one of my fave writer stop writing. i don't know the detail why was she disappointed but it makes me sad.

before, i was so excited when i screened my friends page and found her updates, but now it's gone
and now i wonder what would happen if i quitting this fanfic thingie. will someone disappointed with me like what i just feel rn? i just hope that day wont happen.well, at least even if it will happen, it wont be so soon. :(
and how am i suppose to write a fluffy bdae fic with this emo. T^T

i don't have any power to force her write again, so i just can sulk in my own mind.
she must had a good reason for that. i hope it's not because some antis, because she mention once at her post that she write one comment which crushed her interest on writing down and down.

well, i just can't help and think that i must think twice before comment something later.
because comment can make a huge different to other people and this one is THE example.

it's a good thing she didn't delete her journal. maybe, just maybe..she will come back later. /cross my fingers
i'mma miss MSLL and TLB

and i really hope my other fave writers won't do this too. even if i know i still don't have any power if they do.

just saying...

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