Kibummie birthday drabble

Aug 22, 2010 17:50

Title: Happy birthday hyung
Author: vin11lover
Pairing: Kyubum!friendship
Rating/Genre: pg, fluff
Warning: no beta, because i made this in a rush. i just forget kibummie bdae.. >,<
Disclaimer: i own nothing but the plot
Summary: Kyuhyun gave Kibum a gift.

“Kibum, happy birthday.” Kyuhyun came and congrats his hyung when he was come to visit their dorm.

“Thanks, kyu.” he smiled at the magnae and when Kyuhyun gave him a box, he was surprised. Because he didn’t expect The Magnae Kyuhyun will gave him anything even if it was his birthday.

He opened the box with smile on his face. Nothing.

He looked up, want to ask Kyuhyun what was this mean. “It’s empty.” Kibum said.

Kyuhyun just grinned sheepishly and said, “I’ll buy the gift next year. I'm broke, so I give you the box first.”

- this is really a stupid drabble
- *palmedface*

genre: fluff, pairing: kyubum, rating: g

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