[text] 14th grievance.

Jun 03, 2011 21:34

The send list obviously does not include one (1) America.

Apparently I can't even move around this place without certain people acting like a spoiled three year old or without people suddenly becoming worried.

Look. I didn't say anything because I honestly did not want any help or to make anything of it until AFTER I WAS SETTLED. Is this really so hard to understand? Yes. I ASKED Jack if I could move back in. Yes. I previously lived with him and Miss Alice before moving out and after that, had left for a little bit. I came back and instead of asking right away to move back in, I settled into an apartment.

Quite honestly? I had been planning on asking Jack if my old room was available for a while, it just so happened that when Korea was here, he decided to live with me so I wasn't going to just up and leave him. His returning home left me clear to pursue my original ideas once more and it so happened that yes, there was still room. So with Jack's approval, I was going to move back in.

A few things came up and as you can see, Jack is a bit of an eager individual and simply took it upon himself to help me. I'm not mad at him for that. I would have preferred to have done it myeslf, yes, but to be angry at a friend for doing what they thought was helpful is just plain silly.

Also? I'm done playing these games. Apparently I can't have friends that my EX brother doesn't know because he gets his panties in a twist. So everyone, I apologise in advance. I'm not going to keep some of the same social circle as him. However, I will still remain on friendly terms with those who I already consider friends who just happen to be close friends with him, but that will be it. No more.

Thanks for understanding. Or not.

By the way. Some moron with blonde hair and glasses told me that you were planning on throwing a party for me. Please don't. I... don't really do parties and I don't want you to feel like you need to go out of your way.

*text, .ic, unhappy canadian, taking applications for a new brother, .vatheon

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