[voice] 13th grievance.

May 25, 2011 19:23

...it figures. Seeing I don't think he's the kind to leave without telling me he found a new place, I think it's a safe bet to say that Korea went home.

So. Yeah. Minus one.

.ic, *voice, .vatheon

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[ voice ] vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 02:12:51 UTC
[She's still working out how to use this, but the news itself had to be addressed. And this voice, it was familiar.]

Brother did? I suppose that is a good thing, even though I never got a chance to talk to him.



voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 02:31:33 UTC
[Her voice was a bit startling to him as he didn't realise she was around. How embarrassing.]

Y- yes. It would seem that he did. A shame, really. But I guess it's better that he's back home.


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 03:30:18 UTC
[It's alright Canada, it'll be like a surprise. Once she works it out that it is him.]

At least he managed to, from what I've heard about this place, he'll be safe back home.

Goodness, this audio function it making it hard for me to recognise your voice, but I have heard it somewhere. May I ask who you are?


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 03:59:10 UTC
[So long as she doesn't mistake him for America, he'll be happy. Unfortunately, seeing that America's around, too, it's probably easy to do...]

It's not too bad around here. Usually. It does, well, it does have it's moments though.

[He sighed softly. Well, at least she asked who he was instead of guessing.] I'm Canada.


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 04:23:24 UTC
[Hopefully if it accidentally happens, she won't hit him 8(]

It's moments? Such as?

[Who? Give her a moment, it's beginning to register. After all, he is the better North American brother, right? RIGHT?]

Oh! Canada! It's Vietnam!


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 04:30:36 UTC
[It'd be like meeting an old friend. It's been so long since he's been hit because of mistaken identity.]

Well, I happen to like the quiet times. There's enough of them that it balances most out.

[Yes. He is. He's the normal, sane one who isn't full of himself and all.] How long have you been here, if I may ask?


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 05:00:25 UTC
[Only real friends do that...and apologise later and try to make it up to him.]

Oh, that is nice, I suppose we do not get enough of those back home.

[Thank god, considering that America is here, there needs to be a decent balance!] I've only just arrived, a day or two ago.


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 05:16:20 UTC
[Thankfully he always understands. And would always accept apologies.]

Sometimes there's a bit too much free time I think. [Coming from him, that probably said something.] Anyway, I hope that you've been having a decent enough time thus far.


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 05:19:22 UTC
[Awesome, because they will always involve food!]

Feel like going back to work again? [She laughs softly.] Fortunately, a lot of very nice people have helped me out. Have you been well?


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 05:27:49 UTC
[That is always a good thing. one can't go wrong with food.]

Sometimes. Though perhaps not to quite that levels of stress. [A soft sigh accompanied his words.]

That's definitely good to hear. For the most part, everyone is pretty nice around here. It's definitely one of the best qualities of the city. [Laughing softly, he paused for a moment or two.]

I've been... well enough. [Mostly, anyway. Just a lot of disappointment on his end.]


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 06:22:37 UTC
[And once she finds out ingredients are free here, there's going to be an awesome lot of it.]

True, we really didn't get enough vacations back home. How long have been here for, curiously?

That's good, it certainly made all of this a lot easier to bear. I can see you having lots of friends already too.

[The way he said that made her worry a bit, and she wonders if his stay here had been trouble.] Something wrong?


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 06:35:26 UTC
[That's something he's quite thankful for. He can fix whatever he wants and not have to worry about anything.]

Technically? Right around seven or eight months now. However, I had went home for a few weeks before coming back. [He smiled a bit to himself, though.] I have a few good friends and people that I can count upon when needed. It's definitely nice around here to have that.

[Pausing for a few moments, he was glad that it was voice or else she'd see him chewing on his bottom lip.] Nothing really, any longer. I... well, I've realised that sometimes some things just aren't worth it.


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 06:55:45 UTC
[It's a tightass' dream place, never needing to pay! Which includes her...]

Good lord, that's quite a while...oh? Hmm, it's a little bit unfair, letting you go home but not allowing you to remain. [It was something to smile about, hearing how he made some friends.] That's lovely, one can never have enough of friends. [And hopefully ones who can see and recognise him right off the bat!]

Canada... [she sighs quietly, her brows were furrowed, not that he can see.] That sounds like a bit like losing hope. [Whatever it is] Do you need anything though? Granted, I've only been here a very short time and I still need to remember where everything is, but I can help with something.


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 07:20:01 UTC
[Which means Austria must love that aspect of the place.]

To be honest, it was like I wasn't even gone at all so I didn't miss a thing.

[He's quite happy to say that the only people who occasionally mistake him for his brother are, well, fellow nations. There's a few who have a bit of trouble recalling his name at first, but he can forgive that seeing he's not exactly an active person who's always at the forefront of everything.]

To be perfectly honest, there is only so many times I can be concerned about my dear brother and lecture him before I give up all hope. He never listens and doesn't care about how much I worry about him to begin with. He didn't even care that it bothered me enough to depress me. Did he stop to ask how I was? Did he noticed I was sad? Of course not. He didn't even give a care that I wasn't talking to him for a little bit there. I was the one who finally gave in because I realised... it really just isn't worth it. [Sighing softly, he ran his hand through his hair.] Sorry. I- I didn't mean to go ( ... )


voice; vermillionlotus May 26 2011, 07:33:11 UTC
[And now he can chuck out those old clothes!]

How time freezes, hmm? It's almost one worry off one's shoulders.

[Somehow this is really saying something about a nation's observation level: not that awesome ;w;]

Ah, America. [Though she is surprised at how much Canada sounded like he really needed to get that off his shoulders, she wasn't very surprised at how it involved America.] I'm sure America appreciates you, after all, you are the closest to him, and possibly understands him best. And I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you, let's face it, he's not very bright. Even when he's helping, he has to mess up something, be it minor. [Blunt about America forever, indeed.] So you're the better man for doing what you believed would help your situations.

But if he starts trouble for you again, you can always ask me. [Canada may hear Vietnam cracking her knuckles on the other end.]


voice; vimyridge May 26 2011, 07:52:46 UTC
[It's like Christmas!]

It seems like that. Especially since when I first arrived, it had been 1917 at home. Then I disappeared for a few days Vatheon-time, but back home had lived through quite a few years, then came back. To everyone else, I had only been gone like a week.

[If it helps any, he's still a bit angry at England for being able to see fantasy creatures but not him a lot of the time.]

He's the one who does stupid things and endangers himself because he doesn't think things through and he doesn't listen when I lecture him. I don't even yell. He just shrugs off my concern and does something else equaly as stupid. Rinse and repeat. I got a pigeon out of it, so I guess it's okay, even if I was the one who showed up at his door with beer and brownies to apologise for ignoring him.

But thank you. If he starts causing trouble again, you'll be the first I contact. [He did appreciate it. Though if America was causing trouble, the first thing that he usually did was make a Vatheon-wide apology for his brother's antics.]


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