[video] 12th grievance.

May 15, 2011 00:51

[well, this one he unblocked America for since, well, it pertains to him as well. But don't it's only temporary and will last for the duration of his announcement.]

I've had eleven people initially interested in baseball, so I went ahead and drew up teams. You can decide amongst yourselves who you wish for a team captain and once you do, please let me know. As well, I'm done with the recruiting phase. If you want more people on your team, you know what to do. You can, among your teams, hold practice as needed and such, so feel free to mingle and get to know one another. To help facilitate this, I will be putting together a practice for all soon. It will be done within the next few days, so please keep that in mind.

Moving on. I, myself, will not be participating as I do not believe it to be fair. I will, however, continue to organise and take care of things as needed, which will include setting up games and will be serving as umpire as needed. So please let me know once you're settled. Oh. And please let me know what you come up with for a team name so that I can record it. Thanks.

Without further ado, the teams are as follows:

Team One: America, Xion, Mouri, Hiei, Kuwabara
Team Two: Mugen, Demyx, Yusuke, Momo, Junpei, Kurama

As well, Luka will be serving as our commentator, if he is still interested.

+baseball, .ic, .vatheon, america's paperwork guy, *video

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