You are: British

Sep 05, 2006 22:55

1]do you prefer to drink PG tips or sainsburys own tea?
It doesn't really matter, to be honest. Actually Sainsbury's Red Label tea is really nice, so none of that 'own brand loser' crap, thank you.

2]when was the last time you watched TOTP?
The very last episode, although I haven't watched a full episode since 2000 when I was at uni, and even then we only used to watch it in case there were any tasty young ladies on there. I stopped watching it properly in the late 80s after I left shcool.

3] have you ever been to a pub?
This was either written by a 14 year-old, an American with a few bits of UK knowledge or someone who thinks pubs are somehow subversive. Of course I've been to a pub! Okay, I'm not a regular or anything, but honestly, it's what we all do from time to time, hard to avoid.

4]ever drank cider in a park?
No. I was never part of any sort of clique or gang when I was a teenager, certainly not one that drank in the park. In some ways I feel my life will never be complete having not done it.

5]customised your school uniform?
The more questions I do, the more I feel this was aimed at teenagers. Anyway I'll plough on. I went to a 'special' school and we didn't have to wear a uniform, although you couldn't wear trainers or jeans during the day, it was pretty lax.

6]spend over 10 a week topping up your mobile?
No. I am on a contract, although goodness knows why as I only seem to text at the moment.

7]shopped at aldi/lidl/netto?
Now and again. Never dismiss these places as they have some really good cheap stuff. I wish they hadn't closed Kwik Save though, that was the best!

[there is no 8 or 9 apparently]

10]when did you start to go out clubbing?
Start? I've only ever been clubbing about 20 times in the last 16 or so years. I won't bang on, but basically I guess I've never really got into it enough to want to do it all the time, and now I'm in my mid-30s it ain't going to happen anytime soon.

11]laughed at kids with 'free lunch' meal tokens?
'Special' school, we didn't have to pay for school dinners, but because we were all blind or partially-sighted, you could say we were all 'spazmos', although I'd have to kick you in the nuts hard.

12]do you call your mum by her 1st name?
No, except for a laugh.

13]have you ever shopped at 'new look'?
What with me being a fella and all, no. I mean, they don't do my size :P. The nearest I get to New Look is when I'm at the bus stop in town waiting to go home, the door faces right onto the stop. It's pure heaven if you want to ogle young ladies all afternoon, but having to listen to the shitty rnb they pump out whilst waiting for an overcrowded bus to arrive really does piss one off.

14]how much are you willing to spend on a pair of shoes?
Phrases to interest a woman, I'm guessing. Personally I wouldn't pay less than £50 for a pair of shoes, and as for boots, it's usually worth the money.

15]have you ever played a game of cricket?
No. There's nothing that irritates me more than turning Radio 4 longwave on only to find Test Match bloody Special. Tedium!

16]did you like to play rounders at school?
I really got to hate rounders, mainly because we used to have to play it as part of house games. I won't bore you with the setup, but as I was at a boarding school i, along with everyone else, was forced to enter into competitive sports. My abiding memory is of a typical game stretching on into the evening, the light fading, no end in sight.

17]ever been made to do P.E in your underwear because you forgot you kit?
No, never had that humiliation, although I once was entered to run in a cross-country run for our school and I forgot my trainers and had to do it in a pair of ill-fitting football boots.

18]favourite flavour of crisps?
My middle is testament to my love of crisps. Chilli Heatwave Doritos are my no.1 choice, a crisp I will never tire of. Second would be salt n vinegar Walkers.

19]do you eat fish and chips regulary or have them wrapped in newspaper?
Once a month, I'd say. Not eaten it out of newspaper since the 80s. Health and safety probably stopped them using proper newspaper, but I do remember nearly choking to death once as I was eating some chips and this photo of some bloke on the paper made me laugh for no good reason.

20]what do you order from mcdonalds?
If I am forced to go to the place I will ask for a Quarter Pounder Meal, not because I like it or anything. To be honest I can't read that thing above the counter, so they could probably have the Vimster Special Meal for 99p up there and I'd never see it. Same goes for all fast food places like that.

21]do you think £5.50 is a lot to go see a film at the pictures?
Generally speaking, not really, although it does depend on the film. I do prefer to sit at home or at someone's house and watch a film with some crisps and a drink, much more pleasant :)

22]do you drive or own a car?
I've posted about this in my journal, basically no, I don't, I wish I did.

23]what did you do for your 'sweet 16th'?
It's that memorable I can't remember. Nothing special, I'm sure.

24]favoured alcholic drink?
I'm not fussy, but I'm really enjoying the cider at the moment, or a rum n coke.

25]look to the right?
Oh you want me to describe my view. A mess.

26]look to the left?
My stereo, bless it.

27]friends with a chav?
Never! I know too many goths to let a chav into my life.

28]lived on a council estate or live near or on one?
I've been fortunate never to have lived in a rough area, and I sincerely hope I never have to because I simply wouldn't survive. You either become a total arse or a frightened lamb, or you just get drunk and hope it all goes away.

29]where would you class youself at school?
If I had gone to a normal comprehensive I'd probably have been bullied, branded a spaz, and generally put upon. As it was I was at my special school, and was generally respected. Even the mentally-unstable nasty kids liked me.

30]do you think we should bring back the £1 note?
Yeah go on. Notes feel like they have more value. The coin is chunky enough though.

31]do you think we should convert to the euro??
I guess it would be great for business or people who go abroad alot, but personally i can take or leave it. Sterling or Euro, I'll still never have enough.

32]do you agree with the royal family?
I have no problem with the people, they're there through an accident of birth. However, I really don't feel the monarchy is worth all the bother. They say it's great for tourism, but that basically just means a couple of Yanks wanting to see Buckingham Palace - woooo, loads of money (well, it is in London, they only need to buy a can of pop and the government can build a hospital).

33]have you ever been to london?
I have, several times, but I could never live there. I could never handle the weirdos, the fact you have to be constantly suspiscious of people, the fact so many people are on the make there, the prices! Crikey, the prices. Yes, I'm sure it has tons of great spots, and lots of cool people, but the last time I went to London for 2 days, the feeling of sheer relief as the train pulled out of Paddington was amazing.

No, never been up there. I like the idea of some sleazy, cheesy relic of a seaside resort like that though.

35]ireland or scotland?
Not been there either. To be honest I'm not that well-travelled.

36]ever watched a football, rugby or a cricket match on TV or in real life?
I loathe televised sport! You might find me with the football on the radio, but that's just for the babble. When I was 9 I went to see Plymouth Argyle vs Wolves in Plymouth, it was shit. I could barely see the game, it was a few specs of colour running about on some pitch in the distance.

37]how much do you get paid a month?
I'm jobless scum! So I get paid not alot. This will change soon though.

38]do you listen to radio one?
I've talked at length about my Radio 1 listening habits on here before. Basically I listen to less and less Radio 1 every week, and with the new schedule coming in, it'll go down to even less.

39]do you have sky TV?
My mum has it, but I never watch it, prefering to get stuff off Bittorrent and watch it at my convenience.

40]do you have a bulldog tattooed to your arm?
No way. I'd love some sort of tattoo one day, but not a bulldog, I'm not stupid.

41]do you say phrases like 'safe', 'innit', 'bloody', 'bugger' etc?
I'm told I use 'crikey' and 'blimey' alot, although it's not intentional. But yes, I use alot of British slang; might have something to do with the fact I'm British?

42]been in the channel tunnel?
42]been to the 'cheap mans' disney world in france?
To my shame I've never been abroad, so no.

there are more questions but I'm probably about as bored as you are now.
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