Either because I live in a small town or because I really do spend too much time at Gamestop...this is today, moments after I frantically realized I hadn't picked up my Entei and it was the last day of the transfer thanks for not reminding me, internet info site.
Me: So I got this call that I have a reserve credit here? ...So can you check?
Awesome Gamestop employee woman probably named Carly: Yeah, hang on...yep, you have a $5 credit.
Awesome " " man definitely named Chris: Golden Sun DS? ...You picked that up.
Me: I KNOW. Yes. I did, for sure.
Chris: When did you?
Me: The day it came out.
Chris (in a round, with me): The day it came out.
Me: Right. ...So, uh...
Carly: Well do you want to transfer it on to something else?
Me: Sure!
Carly: Our list of upcoming games is over he-
Chris: Pokemon?
Me: Yep. I want that. *pointing to GIANT-ASS Pokemon White box* Please.
Carly: Okay. *starts entering info into computer*
Chris: Predictable.
Me: Do I come here too much for you?
Chris: Nah, too little.
Me: Well I have to finish something before I - ...No. Nope. That's a lie. False.
*at this point we are all laughing. Then! I notice some loud music in the mall hall*
Me: Is there a party going on out there?
Carly: It's some DJ guy?
Chris: He picks terrible music.
Me: Go request something else! *something gamey or techno or...not rap.*
Chris: See, that would require actual social interaction. ...So no. Waste of my time.
I love us. Us gamers, I mean. Us as a whole. We rock.