On Otaplanning II

Jul 07, 2009 02:35

I swore I wouldn't go to bed today without having one finished glove. But after four attempts using four different methods, I am spent and I have to get up in the morning. If anyone wonders what's become of me, I'm trying to finish everything for Otakon.

...You want to see the list? Really?

Glue shoes
Cut up shirt
Try everything on
Worry EVEN MORE until the hair arrives*
GLOVES ajdaska;jfa**
Boot hunt Make fake boots***
Stitch red shirt (not as daunting as it sounds)
Neck tie
Red ribbon
Bobby pins
Safety pins****

* The place I ordered hairpieces from decided to tell me TODAY that they were out of stock. So I ordered from a new place and paid the cost of the hair all over again for 3-5 day shipping so I could actually, you know, get them before I left for Baltimore.
** I have one last idea to try, but in the meantime I'm ordering knit ones from Amazon. Yes, they will be hot and not exactly correct. Maybe I can find something better while actually AT the con. But I refuse to leave without at least something functional and Amazon comes through for me. I think a huge part of my problem is that I need three hands - two to sew with and one to have in the glove while I make adjustments and measurements.
*** I can't find cheap boots, but I can and did find an easy way to make boot covers. At least, I think it's easy. And since I'll have to have the glue gun out, I might as well do Sheena's boots at the same time!
**** I emptied out the conbag of awesomeness and found the army of safety pins that got me specialty-searched by airport security last year. I am looking forward to a repeat performance. At least that's one thing down?

The plan for tomorrow is to do party favors while babysitting (they're crafters anyway), and to bring in all the stuff from my car. Possibly to put on and fix up the red shirt, and make a neck thingie. Because those are easy. ...In theory, anyway.

Why do I have to have such fat fingers?

sheena, costumes, otakon 09, stressed vil is stressed, ninjas

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